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Why doesn't the compiler infer the type of member when using decltype? [duplicate]

I just noticed this behavior in own code, so here is the naive question:


struct A
    int get()
        return a;
    int a=1;
int main() {}

Compiles of course fine, although when the declaration of member data lies after the function definition.

But then I don't understand why this:

struct A
    auto get() -> decltype(a)
        return a;
    int a=1;

does not compile(*). I have to write this:

struct A
    int a=1;
    auto get() -> decltype(a)
        return a;

Is there any language-related reasons why it's not ok, or is it just that the compilers have not implemented that ? I would expect to have the same behavior regardless of the order of the class members.

(*) tested with gcc 6.3 through Ideone.com

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kebs Avatar asked Dec 12 '18 13:12


2 Answers

In your first example, A::get is declared, then A::a is declared, and only then (because A is fully declared), A::get is defined. At this point, in A::get, the compiler knows about A::a.

Consider this equivalent form:

struct A
    int get();
    int a=1;

inline int A::get()
    return a;

This would not be compilable for you second example:

struct A
    auto get() -> decltype(a); // What is "a"?
    int a=1;

inline auto A::get() -> decltype(A::a)
    return a;

The same "order of declaration" has to be respected when you declare types, for example:

struct A
    using IntType = int;
    auto get() -> IntType;
    int a=1;

You couldn't write like so:

struct A
    using IntType = decltype(a);
    auto get() -> IntType;
    int a=1;

Also note that this is not limited to return types: parameter types are also part of a function declaration. So this doesn't compile either:

struct A
    void f(decltype(a));
    int a=1;
like image 79
Nelfeal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


An informal answer if I may: decltype is a red herring.

All parts of a return type need to have already been seen by the compiler on the first pass.

For example,

template <size_t N> struct T{};

struct A
    T<sizeof(a)> get()
        return T<sizeof(a)>();
    int a;

will also fail, for the same reason: compilation passes if int a; is seen before get().

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Bathsheba Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
