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Why doesn't java have .field and .method reflection keywords like .class?

Let's say we have this class:

public abstract class A {
  int x;
  public int foo();
  public int foo(int x);

As we all know, A.class has a distinct advantage over Class.forName("A"): it will still work if the name of A is changed by refactoring or obfuscation.

However, there is no way to get this advantage with fields and methods. Have you ever wished that you could do this: (see a better proposed syntax in the edit below!)

Field xField = A.x.field;
Method fooMethod = A.foo().method;
Method fooIntMethod = A.foo(int).method;

Instead of this?

Field xField = A.getField("x");
Method fooMethod = A.getMethod("foo");
Method fooIntMethod = A.getMethod("foo", int.class);

So here's my question: does anyone know if this feature has been planned or discussed or if Sun/Oracle specifically decided against it for some reason?

EDIT: How about this syntax? It avoids problems people have mentioned:

Field xField = A..x;
Method fooMethod = A..foo();
Method fooIntMethod = A..foo(int);

Example use case

I recently created an AbstractTableModel class called EasyTableModel that allows you to define your own POJO row type. Its getValueAt(...) and setValueAt(...) etc. use reflection to get/set the values of the fields in the POJO.

public class EasyTableModel<T> extends AbstractTableModel {
    private RowFormat<T>                prototypeFormat;

    private final ArrayList<T>          rows                = new ArrayList<T>();


    public static interface RowFormat<T> {
        Object getValueAt(T row, int columnIndex);

        void setValueAt(T row, Object value, int columnIndex);



    public static class ReflectionRowFormat<T> implements RowFormat<T> {
        private Field[]             fields;


        public Object getValueAt(T row, int column) {
            try {
                return fields[column].get(row);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        public void setValueAt(T row, Object value, Field field) {
            if (!field.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(this)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("field is not a member of this class");
            setValueAt(row, value, getColumnIndex(field));



    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        return getRowFormat(rowIndex).getValueAt(rows.get(rowIndex), columnIndex);

    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        getRowFormat(rowIndex).setValueAt(rows.get(rowIndex), aValue, columnIndex);
        fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);

    public void fireTableCellUpdated(T row, String columnName) {
        fireTableCellUpdated(row, indexOfColumn(columnName));

    public void fireTableCellUpdated(T row, Field field) {
        fireTableCellUpdated(row, indexOfColumn(field));

Using this base class, it's extremely easy to create your table:

public abstract class QuoteMonitorTableModel<R extends QuoteMonitorTableModel<R>.Row> extends EasyTableModel<R> {

    protected static final String   NUM_QUOTES_RECEIVED = "# Quotes Received";
    protected static final String   LAST_QUOTE_TIME     = "Last Quote Time";

    public class Row {
        public Row() {


        private Integer numQuotesReceived;

        private Long    lastQuoteTimeMillis;

        public Integer getNumQuotesReceived() {
            return numQuotesReceived;

        public void setNumQuotesReceived(Integer numQuotesReceived) {
            this.numQuotesReceived = numQuotesReceived;
            fireTableCellUpdated((R) this, NUM_QUOTES_RECEIVED);

        public Long getLastQuoteTimeMillis() {
            return lastQuoteTimeMillis;

        public void setLastQuoteTimeMillis(Long lastQuoteTimeMillis) {
            this.lastQuoteTimeMillis = lastQuoteTimeMillis;
            fireTableCellUpdated((R) this, LAST_QUOTE_TIME);

What are the advantages of all this?

  • You can set contents of the table through your own POJO row class without having to worry about column indices
  • Using your own POJO row class to set values is type-safe, unlike getValueAt(...) and setValueAt(...)
  • You could easily create a table using some prexisting POJO class for the row format

If you think this is an abuse of reflection, then you would consider many well-used libraries like Google GSON as an abuse of reflection as well.

Now, notice how the derived class indicates which field has changed when firing events by a String, rather than the Field:

    public void setNumQuotesReceived(Integer numQuotesReceived) {
        this.numQuotesReceived = numQuotesReceived;
        fireTableCellUpdated((R) this, NUM_QUOTES_RECEIVED);

It would be nice if we could just use the fields. But doing it with getDeclaredField() would suck:

public void setNumQuotesReceived(Integer numQuotesReceived) {
    this.numQuotesReceived = numQuotesReceived;
    try {
        // what if obfuscation changes the name of the numQuotesReceived field?
        fireTableCellUpdated((R) this, getClass().getDeclaredField("numQuotesReceived"));
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {

However, with the feature I am proposing, it would be easy as cake:

public void setNumQuotesReceived(Integer numQuotesReceived) {
    this.numQuotesReceived = numQuotesReceived;
    // if obfuscation changes the name of the numQuotesReceived it will
    // not break the compiled form of this code
    fireTableCellUpdated((R) this, QuoteMonitorTableModel..numQuotesReceived);

If you think this feature wouldn't open up a world of possibilities for useful programming tools, you're lacking imagination ;)

like image 258
Andy Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 20:02


People also ask

Does Java have reflection?

Reflection is a feature in the Java programming language. It allows an executing Java program to examine or "introspect" upon itself, and manipulate internal properties of the program. For example, it's possible for a Java class to obtain the names of all its members and display them.

How do you reflect a class in Java?

In order to reflect a Java class, we first need to create an object of Class . And, using the object we can call various methods to get information about methods, fields, and constructors present in a class. class Dog {...} // create object of Class // to reflect the Dog class Class a = Class.

Can class name be a Java reserved keyword?

Yes, you can use reserved words.

1 Answers

It would be difficult to introduce keywords in Java, however you can introduce new symbol combinations. For example in Java 8 you can write


To get a Method Reference, something you can't do in Java 7.

You could do something similar with fields and there have been suggestions to support property references.

You can even write


to get a reference to a constructor ALA new HashSet<String>()

You can turn a Method into a MethodHandle with MethodHandles.Lookup.unreflect(Method) and you can turn a Constructor into a MethodHandle with MethodHandles.Lookup.unreflectConstructor(Constructor)

Once you have a MethodHandle you can set an object for it to call on.

like image 183
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 00:11

Peter Lawrey