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Why doesn't C++ use std::nested_exception to allow throwing from destructor?


The main problem with throwing exceptions from destructor is that in the moment when destructor is called another exception may be "in flight" (std::uncaught_exception() == true) and so it is not obvious what to do in that case. "Overwriting" the old exception with the new one would be the one of the possible ways to handle this situation. But it was decided that std::terminate (or another std::terminate_handler) must be called in such cases.

C++11 introduced nested exceptions feature via std::nested_exception class. This feature could be used to solve the problem described above. The old (uncaught) exception could be just nested into the new exception (or vice versa?) and then that nested exception could be thrown. But this idea was not used. std::terminate is still called in such situation in C++11 and C++14.

So the questions. Was the idea with nested exceptions considered? Are there any problems with it? Isn't the situation going to be changed in the C++17?

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anton_rh Avatar asked May 14 '16 13:05


People also ask

Why can't you throw exceptions from a destructor?

Throwing out of a destructor can result in a crash, because this destructor might be called as part of "Stack unwinding". Stack unwinding is a procedure which takes place when an exception is thrown.

Can we throw exception from destructor in C++?

The C++ rule is that you must never throw an exception from a destructor that is being called during the "stack unwinding" process of another exception. For example, if someone says throw Foo(), the stack will be unwound so all the stack frames between the throw Foo() and the } catch (Foo e) { will get popped.

2 Answers

There is one use for std::nested exception, and only one use (as far as I have been able to discover).

Having said that, it's fantastic, I use nested exceptions in all my programs and as a result the time spent hunting obscure bugs is almost zero.

This is because nesting exceptions allow you to easily build a fully-annotated call stack which is generated at the point of the error, without any runtime overhead, no need for copious logging during a re-run (which will change the timing anyway), and without polluting program logic with error handling.

for example:

#include <iostream> #include <exception> #include <stdexcept> #include <sstream> #include <string>  // this function will re-throw the current exception, nested inside a // new one. If the std::current_exception is derived from logic_error,  // this function will throw a logic_error. Otherwise it will throw a // runtime_error // The message of the exception will be composed of the arguments // context and the variadic arguments args... which may be empty. // The current exception will be nested inside the new one // @pre context and args... must support ostream operator << template<class Context, class...Args> void rethrow(Context&& context, Args&&... args) {     // build an error message     std::ostringstream ss;     ss << context;     auto sep = " : ";     using expand = int[];     void (expand{ 0, ((ss << sep << args), sep = ", ", 0)... });     // figure out what kind of exception is active     try {         std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception());     }     catch(const std::invalid_argument& e) {         std::throw_with_nested(std::invalid_argument(ss.str()));     }     catch(const std::logic_error& e) {         std::throw_with_nested(std::logic_error(ss.str()));     }     // etc - default to a runtime_error      catch(...) {         std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error(ss.str()));     } }  // unwrap nested exceptions, printing each nested exception to  // std::cerr void print_exception (const std::exception& e, std::size_t depth = 0) {     std::cerr << "exception: " << std::string(depth, ' ') << e.what() << '\n';     try {         std::rethrow_if_nested(e);     } catch (const std::exception& nested) {         print_exception(nested, depth + 1);     } }  void really_inner(std::size_t s) try      // function try block {     if (s > 6) {         throw std::invalid_argument("too long");     } } catch(...) {     rethrow(__func__);    // rethrow the current exception nested inside a diagnostic }  void inner(const std::string& s) try {     really_inner(s.size());  } catch(...) {     rethrow(__func__, s); // rethrow the current exception nested inside a diagnostic }  void outer(const std::string& s) try {     auto cpy = s;     cpy.append(s.begin(), s.end());     inner(cpy); } catch(...) {     rethrow(__func__, s); // rethrow the current exception nested inside a diagnostic }   int main() {     try {         // program...         outer("xyz");         outer("abcd");     }     catch(std::exception& e)     {         // ... why did my program fail really?         print_exception(e);     }      return 0; } 

expected output:

exception: outer : abcd exception:  inner : abcdabcd exception:   really_inner exception:    too long 

Explanation of the expander line for @Xenial:

void (expand{ 0, ((ss << sep << args), sep = ", ", 0)... });

args is a parameter pack. It represents 0 or more arguments (the zero is important).

What we're looking to do is to get the compiler to expand the argument pack for us while writing useful code around it.

Let's take it from outside in:

void(...) - means evaluate something and throw away the result - but do evaluate it.

expand{ ... };

Remembering that expand is a typedef for int[], this means let's evaluate an integer array.

0, (...)...;

means the first integer is zero - remember that in c++ it's illegal to define a zero-length array. What if args... represents 0 parameters? This 0 ensures that the array has at lease one integer in it.

(ss << sep << args), sep = ", ", 0);

uses the comma operator to evaluate a sequence of expressions in order, taking the result of the last one. The expressions are:

s << sep << args - print the separator followed by the current argument to the stream

sep = ", " - then make the separator point to a comma + space

0 - result in the value 0. This is the value that goes in the array.

(xxx params yyy)... - means do this once for each parameter in the parameter pack params


void (expand{ 0, ((ss << sep << args), sep = ", ", 0)... });

means "for every parameter in params, print it to ss after printing the separator. Then update the separator (so that we have a different separator for the first one). Do all this as part of initialising an imaginary array which we will then throw away.

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Richard Hodges Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Richard Hodges

The problem you cite happens when your destructor is being executed as part of the stack unwinding process (when your object was not created as part of stack unwinding)1, and your destructor needs to emit an exception.

So how does that work? You have two exceptions in play. Exception X is the one that's causing the stack to unwind. Exception Y is the one that the destructor wants to throw. nested_exception can only hold one of them.

So maybe you have exception Y contain a nested_exception (or maybe just an exception_ptr). So... how do you deal with that at the catch site?

If you catch Y, and it happens to have some embedded X, how do you get it? Remember: exception_ptr is type-erased; aside from passing it around, the only thing you can do with it is rethrow it. So should people be doing this:

catch(Y &e) {   if(e.has_nested())   {     try     {       e.rethrow_nested();     }     catch(X &e2)     {     }   } } 

I don't see a lot of people doing that. Especially since there would be an exceedingly large number of possible X-es.

1: Please do not use std::uncaught_exception() == true to detect this case. It is extremely flawed.

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Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Nicol Bolas