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why does using sum in a rails 3.1 scope result in an error?

I have this scope:

scope :total_quantity, sum('quantity')

When I run:


I get this error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `default_scoped?' for 4:Fixnum

Running the sum method directly works

MyModel.sum('quantity') # 4

I can't find any documentation on the default_scoped? method, or why it is being called here. Do you know if there is a way to fix this problem?

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Nathan Manousos Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 18:09

Nathan Manousos

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1 Answers

Just try method instead of scope . It works like charm i also faced a same problem , but when i changed my scope to method its works fine . Below is working and tested code :)

def self.total_quantity

Let me know if it works or not ! Thanks

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Vivek Parihar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Vivek Parihar