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Why does updating a domain's nameservers take so long? [closed]


When I change my domain's (a dot com) nameservers it can take up to 2 days.
I know that that's usual, but WHY is that?

Just curious because my webhosting went down and I have to wait now because I changed nameservers, why?

Did some little research and my webhosting says it can MAXIMUM take up to 24 hours.
Ok, I knew it was around 24 - 48 hours, but it is apperently only 24 hours.
Anyways, I found this article: http://www.tech-faq.com/how-to-flush-dns.html
And it says that you can flush DNS with ipconfig blabla, also already knew that.
But what is remarkable is that this is standing at the second paragraph:

The MaxCacheTtl represents the maximum time that a DNS lookup%u2019s results will be cached for. The default value is 86,400 seconds. If this value is set to 1, DNS entries will only be cached for a single second.

Now take your calculator and type in: 86,400 / 60 / 60 = TADAH!! 24 (hours)
I haven't tried it yet because the registery key wasn't present in my registery :S

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BronzeByte Avatar asked Nov 26 '11 21:11


People also ask

Why does it take so long to update nameservers?

Usually DNS changes will propagate within a few hours, but it can take up to 48 hours for everything to propagate across the Internet. Many things affect propagation time, including your TTL, your ISP and your domain's registry. Your TTL (Time to Live) settings: Every DNS record has a TTL setting.

How long do nameservers take to update?

DNS propagation is the time frame it takes for DNS changes to be updated across the Internet. A change to a DNS record—for example, changing the IP address defined for a specific hostname—can take up to 72 hours to propagate worldwide, although it typically takes a few hours.

Does changing my domain's name servers affect email?

No. Your email won't be affected by the name server change. The Ezoic system keeps the same settings that you already have in your DNS (the system actually checks your settings for errors at this time).

Why is DNS propagation taking so long?

DNS propagation is the time period in which it takes updates to DNS records to be in full effect across all servers on the web. The reason changes aren't instantaneous is because nameservers store domain record information in their cache for a certain amount of time before they refresh.

2 Answers

When you change your nameservers you have to ensure that the old nameservers also contain the new information, otherwise some resolvers won't notice that the delegation in the .com zone has changed.

For more information see https://serverfault.com/questions/322490/what-is-the-correct-behaviour-when-nameservers-change/322524#322524

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Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10


First of all, I think the 2 days figure is outdated. I've seen it take UP TO 48 hours, but standard now is more like 4-8 hours. Also, because of the nature of DNS, your computer may see the dns resolve hours before (or after) your phone does.

Anyways, the answer to your question boils down to the concept of propagation. The DNS server you update has to tell all the other DNS servers out there about the change. The other servers only request an update once the TTL has passed, and those numbers can all add up when you're talking about all the DNS servers around the world.

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atonyc Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10
