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Why does "true or true and false" appear to be simultaneously true and false?

I get the following:

puts true or true and false
# >> true

whereas I also get:

if true or true and false
  puts "that's true!"
  puts "that's false!"
# >> that's false!

Why is true or true and false both true and false (like Schrödinger's cat)?

like image 563
Caroline Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 05:12


2 Answers

It has to do with precedence. puts true or true and false actually evaluates as (puts true) or (true and false) [EDIT: Not exactly. See the note from Todd below.], and if true or true and false evaluates as if (true or (true and false)). This is due to the precedences of puts (a method) and if (a language keyword) relative to the other terms of the expression.

You see => false in irb when you evaluate puts true or true and false (remember, that's (puts true) or (true and false)) because puts outputs true and returns nil, which is falsey, causing the (true and false) to be evaluated next, which returns false.

This is one reason why most Ruby guides recommend using && and || instead of and and or in boolean expressions. puts true || true && false evaluates as puts (true || (true && false)) and if true || true && false evaluates as if (true || (true && false)), both as you'd expect them to.

like image 67
mwp Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 00:01



Ruby's parser relies on a precedence table. In your example, or has higher precedence than and. Additionally, short-circuit evaluation won't evaluate the second term of an or-condition if the first expression is truthy.

Also, note that in Ruby Kernel#puts is a method that takes optional arguments, while if is a lexical token. While many people omit parentheses in idiomatic Ruby, precedence can change what the parser sees when it evaluates a complex or ambiguous expression like true or true and false. As you will see below, the distinction between a conditional and a method complicates matters further.

In general, one should parenthesize expressions to avoid ambiguity, and rely on operator precedence as little as possible. There are always exceptions, especially in expressive languages like Ruby, but as a rule of thumb it can simplify a Rubyist's life immensely.

Examine the Parser

If you are ever in doubt about what the parser sees, you don't have to rely on reasoning alone. You can use the Ripper module to examine the symbolic expression tree. For example:

require 'pp'
require 'ripper'

pp Ripper.sexp 'true or true and false'

This will show you:

    [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 0]]],
    [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 8]]]],
   [:var_ref, [:@kw, "false", [1, 17]]]]]]

This shows that the parser thinks the expression, on its own, evaluates as if you'd parenthesized it as (true or true) and false.

Likewise, an if-statement has the same precedence applied:

pp Ripper.sexp 'if true or true and false; end'
     [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 3]]],
     [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 11]]]],
    [:var_ref, [:@kw, "false", [1, 20]]]],

However, because puts is a method, it is parsed differently:

pp Ripper.sexp 'puts true or true and false'
     [:@ident, "puts", [1, 0]],
     [:args_add_block, [[:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 5]]]], false]],
    [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 13]]]],
   [:var_ref, [:@kw, "false", [1, 22]]]]]]

In other words, the parser assumes your ambiguous statement is roughly equivalent to the following parenthesized expressions: (puts(true) or true) and (false). In this case, the first true was assumed to be an argument to Kernel#puts. Since the puts method always returns nil (which is falsey), the second true is then evaluated, making puts(true) or true truthy. Next, the terminal expression is evaluated and returns false, regardless of the fact that the puts-statement prints true to standard output.

like image 45
Todd A. Jacobs Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 23:01

Todd A. Jacobs