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why does this query return a row with nulls


SELECT distinct u_id,timestamp as time
FROM my_table;


SELECT distinct u_id,max(timestamp) as time
FROM my_table;

When my table has no rows at all (or if I add a where clause that matches no rows):

The former returns an empty results set (which is what I expect) while the later returns a single row that has null as the value for both its fields.

Can someone please explain to me why does the second one acts as it does?

like image 811
epeleg Avatar asked Sep 25 '11 13:09


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1 Answers

MySQL documentation says

MAX() returns NULL if there were no matching rows.

And if you have no data then it just returns both values as NULL.

If you want the second query return the empty resultset too, then you must filter out the NULL values for example with HAVING clause that you can use with aggregate functions:

SELECT DISTINCT u_id, MAX(timestamp) as time FROM my_table GROUP BY u_id HAVING time IS NOT NULL;
like image 72
evilone Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10
