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Why does this makefile execute a target on 'make clean'

This is my current makefile.

CXX      = g++
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -O3

TARGET = testcpp
SRCS   = main.cpp object.cpp foo.cpp
OBJS   = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
DEPS   = $(SRCS:.cpp=.d)

.PHONY: clean all

all: $(TARGET)


    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

%.d: %.cpp
    $(CXX) -M $(CXXFLAGS) $< > $@

    rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPS) $(TARGET)

-include $(DEPS)

It works perfectly with one exception. If the directory is already clean (no *.d, *.o) and I run 'make clean', it re-creates the dependencies, then immediately deletes them:

[user@server proj]$ make
g++ -M -Wall -O3 foo.cpp > foo.d
g++ -M -Wall -O3 object.cpp > object.d
g++ -M -Wall -O3 main.cpp > main.d
g++ -Wall -O3 -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++ -Wall -O3 -c object.cpp -o object.o
g++ -Wall -O3 -c foo.cpp -o foo.o
g++ -Wall -O3  main.o object.o foo.o -o testcpp
[user@server proj]$ make clean
rm -f main.o object.o foo.o main.d object.d foo.d testcpp
[user@server proj]$ make clean
g++ -M -Wall -O3 foo.cpp > foo.d
g++ -M -Wall -O3 object.cpp > object.d
g++ -M -Wall -O3 main.cpp > main.d
rm -f main.o object.o foo.o main.d object.d foo.d testcpp
[user@server proj]$

I don't understand why the second 'make clean' would re-generate the dependency files. How can I avoid this? This isn't a big deal for this contrived example, but for a large project, it can be quite time-consuming.


like image 933
Will MacDonagh Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 01:09

Will MacDonagh

People also ask

What is the purpose of clean in makefile?

It allows you to type 'make clean' at the command line to get rid of your object and executable files. Sometimes the compiler will link or compile files incorrectly and the only way to get a fresh start is to remove all the object and executable files.

What does Target do in a makefile?

A simple makefile consists of "rules" with the following shape: target ... : dependencies ... command ... ... A target is usually the name of a file that is generated by a program; examples of targets are executable or object files.

Should I remove make executable clean?

What Is the Make Clean Command? The make clean is a command that removes all executable files from a program binary and coding directory. That means it removes all the object files that were created in the meantime. To get a super clean build, it's necessary to run the make clean command before recompiling.

What is target in make command?

Target is usually a executable file which get created after execution of make command.

3 Answers

It's because the .d files are being -included unconditionally. As far as make knows, they could add dependencies or commands to the clean target. All included files are built first for this reason, otherwise you might get an incorrect or failed build. To disable this, you want to conditionally include the dependency files:

ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-include $(DEPS)

An alternative solution is to generate the dependency files using touch and have them replaced by actual data as a side-effect of compilation. This is how automake does its dependency tracking, as it makes one-time builds faster. Look into the -MD and -MMD options to gcc if you want to go this route. Use a pattern rule like:

    @touch $@

To initially create the dependency files.

like image 118
Jack Kelly Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10

Jack Kelly

If you want to skip the include for multiple targets, you can use the filter function.


# Include only if the goal needs it
  -include $(DEPS)
like image 36
leszek.hanusz Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


It wants to regenerate the dependency files because it always tries to regenerate all of the makefiles, including -include'd makefiles, before doing anything else. (Well, actually, for me it doesn't do that - I have GNU Make 3.81 - so maybe it's a bug in your version that was fixed, or an optimization that mine has and yours doesn't. But anyway.)

The easiest way around this is to write your rules so they generate the .d files as a side effect of regular compilation, rather than giving explicit rules to generate them. That way, when they're not there, Make doesn't know how to generate them so it doesn't try (in a clean tree, the .cpp.o rules are enough, you don't need the header file dependencies). Look at an Automake-generated makefile -- a simple one -- to see how it's done.

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zwol Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
