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Why does this ElasticSearch scan and scroll keep returning the same scroll id?

So first I run the following:

curl -s -XGET http://localhost:9200/my_index/_search?scroll=1m&search_type=scan&size=10 

This returns a scroll id which I then use in the first scroll request:

curl -s -XGET http://localhost:9200/_search/scroll?scroll=1m&scroll_id=<scroll_id from above> 

The documentation would lead me to believe that when I run the 2nd curl request, I should get a new scroll id.

However, it looks like I keep getting the same scroll id back.

It looks like the data coming back is different for each request so I'm assuming that everything is working.

What is going on?

like image 575
alexpotato Avatar asked Aug 22 '14 19:08


1 Answers

What you have above is correct.

The scroll_id may or may not be the same across subsequent scroll request. But the result set (hits) is definitively different in subsequent scroll calls .

The scroll_id may change over the course of multiple calls and so it is required to always pass the most recent scroll_id as the scroll_id for the subsequent request.

like image 138
keety Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
