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Why does this code compile with g++ but not MSVC++?

I'm trying to compile some open-source code (https://github.com/BieremaBoyzProgramming/bbpPairings), which I can get to compile on linux using g++ (v6.3.0), but which fails to compile in Visual Studio (VS Community 2019/16.1.5), with the somewhat obscure (to me, but my C++ is admittedly weak) error: "error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '<'".

The offending code in the source is here, but a minimal example extracted from the code is:

#include <iostream>
#include <random>

class Configuration {};

class MatchesConfiguration {
    template <class RandomEngine>

template <class RandomEngine>
    Configuration&& configuration,
    RandomEngine& randomEngine) {}

MatchesConfiguration::MatchesConfiguration<std::minstd_rand>( // <--- SYNTAX ERROR HERE

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!\n"; 

I've had a look at the MSDN description of the error code, but my grasp of C++ and templates is too tenuous to figure out what's going wrong. The project README says that C++14 is expected (with some optional C++17 stuff for FS stuff which shouldn't matter here I think), but as far as I can make out from the feature compatibility chart all of C++14 should be supported by VS 2019.

like image 921
arnsholt Avatar asked Jul 04 '19 17:07


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1 Answers

When you provide an explicit instantiation definition of a constructor (which does not really have a name according to the standard), you should do it by supplying the signature you'd like to instantiate, like so:

MatchesConfiguration::MatchesConfiguration(  // no <std::minstd_rand> here


Template arguments shall not be specified when referring to a specialization of a constructor template

Trivia from an old note (from 2006):

"Can a templated constructor be explicitly instantiated or specialized?"

it is not possible to specify a constructor's template arguments in a constructor invocation (because the constructor has no name but is invoked by use of the constructor's class's name)


It was observed that explicitly specifying the template arguments in a constructor declaration is never actually necessary because the arguments are, by definition, all deducible and can thus be omitted.

Note that normal function templates can have non-deducible template parameters that must be supplied explicitly for an instantiation or specialization.

Thanks to Davis Herring and M.M for guidance

like image 175
Ted Lyngmo Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10

Ted Lyngmo