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Why does the statement "2i;" NOT cause a compiler error?




Instead of 2*i, I carelessly wrote 2i:

int foo(int i) {     2i;     return 2i; } 

I expected the compiler to catch the error. But it did not. So is 2i a valid statement in C? If so what does it do? Puzzled!

I compiled using gcc version 5.3.0 and here is the assembly output:

    .file   "strange.c"     .text     .globl  foo     .type   foo, @function foo: .LFB0:     .cfi_startproc     pushq   %rbp     .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16     .cfi_offset 6, -16     movq    %rsp, %rbp     .cfi_def_cfa_register 6     movl    %edi, -4(%rbp)     nop     popq    %rbp     .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8     ret     .cfi_endproc .LFE0:     .size   foo, .-foo     .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 5.3.0"     .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 
like image 952
daltonfury42 Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 17:02


People also ask

What is the difference between compiler errors and compiler warnings?

Nevertheless, compiler warnings aren't going to stop you from getting your program working (unless you tell your compiler to treat warnings as errors), so they're probably a bit less frustrating than errors. Errors are conditions that prevent the compiler from completing the compilation of your files.

How do you know if your compiler works?

You hit compile (or enter the build command) and wait. Your compiler spits out fifty lines of text. You pick out words like "warning and "error". Does that mean it worked? you wonder.

What does it mean when the compiler cannot understand the syntax?

What this really means is that you've done something that the compiler cannot understand. For instance, the statement "for (;)" isn't correct syntax because a for loop always needs to have three parts.

What are compiler errors in Unity?

Cause. Compiler errors are generated by a script that has erroneous code. When you create a script in Unity and click play to test the script is working, you may receive some bright red error text in the collapsed version of the Console located in the bottom left corner of the Unity Editor: The red text is the type of compiler error in your script.

2 Answers

This is a gcc extension, and 2i is the imaginary constant enter image description here. So you can write a complex number like so:

#include <complex.h>  _Complex x = 4 + 5i; 
like image 58
Iharob Al Asimi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Iharob Al Asimi

2i is a gcc extension for a complex integer literal, a pure imaginary number twice the square root of -1. This extension is supported by clang as well.

It is somewhat surprising that your compiling with gcc 5.4.0 produces the posted assembly output:

  • Compiling on http://gcc.godbolt.org/# I get a compilation error from gcc 5.3.0: http://gcc.godbolt.org/#: error: cannot convert '__complex__ int' to 'int' in return.
  • The posted assembly code for function foo is incorrect: it does not return 0. Converting the complex integer constant 2i to int should return its real part 0.

Conversely, with clang 3.7, it compiles without a warning and generates optimum code, but of course not what you expect:

foo(int):                       # @foo(int)     xorl    %eax, %eax     retq 

This syntax can be combined with other suffixes in any order. Compiling the code below with clang -Weverything gives me appropriate warnings warning: imaginary constants are a GNU extension [-Wgnu-imaginary-constant]:

#include <stdio.h>  int main() {     /* complex integer literals */     printf("sizeof(2i) = %zd\n", sizeof(2i));     printf("sizeof(2ui) = %zd\n", sizeof(2ui));     printf("sizeof(2li) = %zd\n", sizeof(2li));     printf("sizeof(2lli) = %zd\n", sizeof(2lli));     /* complex floating point literals */     printf("sizeof(2.i) = %zd\n", sizeof(2.i));     printf("sizeof(2.fi) = %zd\n", sizeof(2.fi));     printf("sizeof(2e0fi) = %zd\n", sizeof(2e0fi));     printf("sizeof(2e0i) = %zd\n", sizeof(2e0i));     /* alternate order */     printf("sizeof(2il) = %zd\n", sizeof(2il));     printf("sizeof(2ill) = %zd\n", sizeof(2ill));     printf("sizeof(2.if) = %zd\n", sizeof(2.if));      return 0; } 

It produces this output in my environment:

sizeof(2i) = 8 sizeof(2ui) = 8 sizeof(2li) = 16 sizeof(2lli) = 16 sizeof(2.i) = 16 sizeof(2.fi) = 8 sizeof(2e0fi) = 8 sizeof(2e0i) = 16 sizeof(2il) = 16 sizeof(2ill) = 16 sizeof(2.if) = 8 

Try the last one with your syntax coloring editor ;-)

like image 21
chqrlie Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
