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Why does the server in a websocket request have to answer a challenge?



I'm reading the websocket specification and it says:

Finally, the server has to prove to the client that it received the client's WebSocket handshake, so that the server doesn't accept connections that are not WebSocket connections. This prevents an attacker from tricking a WebSocket server by sending it carefully- crafted packets using |XMLHttpRequest| or a |form| submission.

I've read it several times, but it's still not clear to me as to why this is necessary.

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dan_waterworth Avatar asked Jun 16 '11 12:06


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Is WebSocket request a response?

The WebSocket protocol is not designed around request-response. Messages may be sent from either end of the connection at any time, and there is no native support for one message to indicate it is related to another.

At what stage a WebSocket client is informed for the incoming message?

The OnMessage event is raised when a client sends data to the server. Inside this event handler, the incoming message can be transmitted to the clients, or probably select only some of them.

Can server initiate WebSocket connection?

No. The server can't initiate a connection.

How does a WebSocket protocol work?

WebSocket uses a unified TCP connection and needs one party to terminate the connection. Until it happens, the connection remains active. HTTP needs to build a distinct connection for separate requests. Once the request is completed, the connection breaks automatically.

1 Answers

The challenge-response mechanism forces the server to make sure that the client is a legit WebSocket client, and not a script doing funny stuff.

The challenge is sent in a "Sec-WebSocket-Key" HTTP header. Since browsers make sure that scripts cannot set "Sec-*" headers, this prevents a script from opening a WebSocket connection through an XMLHttpRequest.

If the server did not have to answer the challenge, it is possible that some lazy servers would ignore the "Sec-WebSocket-*" headers completely, leaving clients unprotected from rogue scripts.

It may also be a way of allowing the client to verify that it is talking to a WebSocket server, but I think that is not the main reason, since the server has to send a 101 Switching Protocols status code anyway, along with an "Upgrade: websocket" header.

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suriv Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
