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Why does static field self assignment compile only with explicit static syntax?

Why does this code compile with explicit static field notation on the right hand side, but not without ?

public class A
    static int a = ++A.a;  // compiles
    //static int a = ++a;  // error - cannot reference a field before it is defined

    public static void main(String[] args) {
like image 540
Gonen I Avatar asked Jan 08 '18 20:01

Gonen I

2 Answers

This is simply how the language spec is written. Specifically, Sec 8.3.3 says:

References to a field are sometimes restricted, even through the field is in scope. The following rules constrain forward references to a field (where the use textually precedes the field declaration) as well as self-reference (where the field is used in its own initializer).

For a reference by simple name to a class variable f declared in class or interface C, it is a compile-time error if:

  • ...

Emphasis mine.

A.a is not a simple name, so it's not a compile-time error.

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Andy Turner Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 20:10

Andy Turner

In addition to @Andy's answer I would like to show some examples that are taken from this JLS chapter. They explains the Use Before Declaration rules, demonstrating valid & invalid cases:

class UseBeforeDeclaration {
    static {
        int a = UseBeforeDeclaration.b + 2; // ok - 'b' is not accessed via simple name

        c = 1000000; // ok - assignment    
        c = c + 100; // error - right hand side reads before declaration    
        int d = c++; // error - read before declaration    
        int e = this.c * 2; // ok - 'c' is not accessed via simple name

    static int b;    
    int c;

Also, after the byte code investigation for the valid static int a = ++A.a line, we can see that it is get compiled into:

static <clinit>()V
    GETSTATIC src/java/A.a : I
    PUTSTATIC src/java/A.a : I
    PUTSTATIC src/java/A.a : I

Which is equivalent to:

public class A {
    static int a;

    static {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // ...
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Oleksandr Pyrohov Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 19:10

Oleksandr Pyrohov