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Why does setting LinearGradientBrush.WrapMode to Clamp fail with ArgumentException ("parameter is not valid")?

Here's an example:

public MainForm()

          LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0,0,100,100),Color.Blue, Color.White,angle:0);
          brush.WrapMode = WrapMode.Tile; // OK
          brush.WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp; // Causes Unhandled exception alert, offering break

In the VS2008 output window this shows:

A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll Additional information: Parameter is not valid.

(pic http://i.imgur.com/nM2oNm1.png)

This is on Windows 7.

Documentation here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/system.drawing.drawing2d.lineargradientbrush.wrapmode(v=vs.90).aspx

confirms LinearGradientBrush.WrapMode accepts a WrapMode

"Gets or sets a WrapMode enumeration that indicates the wrap mode for this LinearGradientBrush."

and this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/system.drawing.drawing2d.wrapmode(v=vs.90).aspx

confirms that WrapMode.Clamp is valid for gradient:

"Clamp The texture or gradient is not tiled."

like image 688
ChrisJJ Avatar asked Oct 19 '15 23:10


1 Answers

I can confirm this with VS2015 on Windows 8.1.

This looks like a bug to me, as Clamp i.e. untiled continuation with, probably the last color would be quite useful.

You can try to workaround with InterpolationColors but that requires some knowledge of the sizes to fill..

See here and espcially here for code examples for using InterpolationColors

Update: Lars' idea looks also very interesting: Create a tile with the LinearGradientBrush and then use it with a TextureBrush..

like image 103
TaW Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11