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Why does Scala need the def statement?

I am new to scala, but I have background in javascript.

While I see the need to separate between val and var (mutable and immutable), I can't see why the def statement should ever be needed.

If functions are truly first-class citizens, as in javascript, why should they be declared with def and not with val ?

Is that design decision based on JVM related constraints, or is there some underlying logic that I fail to comprehend ?

like image 816
Uri Goren Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 20:10

Uri Goren

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1 Answers

One big limitation of functions is that they cannot be generic as a value. E.g.

def foo[A](bar: A): Unit

That cannot be expressed as a function value

val foo: A => Unit  // A is _not_ a type parameter

that requires a resolution of type parameter A. Other differences are: Methods carry a natural notion of this as the enclosing class; they can abort via return. They can have multiple parameter lists, most importantly an implicit parameter list. They have named and default arguments. (I'm trying to imagine how a function with named and default arguments would look, perhaps it could be designed)

It probably would not have been impossible to just have function values, but def seems like a better match for the OO aspects of Scala.

like image 185
0__ Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
