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Why does Sass cache folder get created



I have started trying out Sass for my css work. In the directory where my Css file resides I see a '.sass-cache' folder too. Can any one tell me why is this folder created and is it safe if I delete it.


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Pav Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 11:02


1 Answers

By default, Sass caches compiled templates and partials. This dramatically speeds up re-compilation of large collections of Sass files, and works best if the Sass templates are split up into separate files that are all @imported into one large file.

Without a framework, Sass puts the cached templates in the .sass-cache directory. In Rails and Merb, they go in tmp/sass-cache. The directory can be customized with the :cache_location option.

If you don’t want Sass to use caching at all, set the :cache option to false.

You can configure the Sass cache location by setting a Sass option in your compass configuration file like so:

sass_options = {:cache_location => "path\to\tmp\sass-cache"} 

Source: Sass reference

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Ahmad Alfy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10

Ahmad Alfy