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Why does pushing a Docker image fail with "dial tcp: lookup cdn-registry-1.docker.io on read udp i/o timeout"?

I'm pushing to a private docker repository on Docker Hub and I keep getting this error:

2726b5968341: Image successfully pushed 
2fd0731064ec: Image successfully pushed 
49328a658a81: Image successfully pushed 
6beafaa9c78d: Image successfully pushed 
bb8b822852f4: Image successfully pushed 
6a0d258340b1: Pushing 
FATA[0457] Failed to upload metadata: Put https://cdn-registry-1.docker.io/v1/images/6a0d258340b180fd569ec687653d805ebb70e77c1943ca6cfc9d296392ad79ee/json: dial tcp: lookup cdn-registry-1.docker.io on read udp i/o timeout 

I'm running Docker on Mac OS using boot2docker. After running the push command 7+ times it finally finished successfully, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Anyone see this before? Tips on how to resolve?

like image 357
threejeez Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 15:04


People also ask

Does docker build push to registry?

The built image is then pushed to the Docker Hub registry. You can still use docker push to push pre-built images to repositories with Automated Builds configured. If you have automated tests configured, these run after building but before pushing to the registry.

What is the default docker registry URL?

By default, “somewhere” is the Docker Hub Registry (https://hub.docker.com). However, there are ways to configure other locations from which you can pull docker images. These locations are referred to as registries.

How do I push into Docker Hub?

To push an image to Docker Hub, you must first name your local image using your Docker Hub username and the repository name that you created through Docker Hub on the web. You can add multiple images to a repository by adding a specific :<tag> to them (for example docs/base:testing ).

What is docker IO registry?

What is a Docker Registry? A Docker registry is a storage and distribution system for named Docker images. The same image might have multiple different versions, identified by their tags. A Docker registry is organized into Docker repositories , where a repository holds all the versions of a specific image.

1 Answers

  • If you are using docker-machine, try restarting it:

    docker-machine restart default

    Note: default is the name of VM running the docker daemon. In case you have more than one or a different name then use the appropriate.

  • If you are using boot2docker, restart it:

    boot2docker stop
    boot2docker start

Interwebs suggest it's a network issue locally on your box; likely related to DNS. I've tried many things but restarting boot2docker fixed it.

And if you get this issue while restarting:

An error occurred trying to connect: Post x509: certificate is valid for,, not

Then try reinstalling boot2docker; note that you loose all your local images

boot2docker stop
boot2docker delete
boot2docker init
boot2docker start

Because of https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/issues/968

Good luck


No need to boot2docker delete anymore! A fix was merged in a latter version of boot2docker (1.7.1).

You can now boot2docker upgrade and the issue should be fixed.

Alternatively, if that's a problem for you, you can simply bounce docker within the boot2docker VM like so:

boot2docker ssh 'sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart’

like image 154
mlg Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 20:11
