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Why does maxBy return only single item?

Following up this question I wonder why maxBy of Traversable[T] returns a single value T instead of a sequence of T (list or similar). It looks like a pretty common case. For example (from the previous question):

For the list of students with their grades

List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", A))"

I want to get

List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Paul", A))

Does anybody know about any standard implementation of maxBy, which returns a sequence of found items?

like image 498
Michael Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 19:11


People also ask

What is the return value of maxby method?

Return Value: This method returns a Collector that produces the maximal value in accordance with the comparator passed. Below are some examples to illustrate the implementation of maxBy ():

What are the conditions for maxby to return null?

The items must be of the same type. maxBy throws an error if they are not, and the function returns null if the array is empty. The input array. Expression for selecting an item from the array, where the item is a Number, Boolean, DateTime, LocalDateTime, Date, LocalTime, Time, or TimeZone data type.

What is the purpose of minby and maxby methods?

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How does argby work in LINQ?

I present a LINQ method ArgBy that returns the item of a sequence that corresponds to the predicate specified. Two additional methods MinBy, MaxBy are provided as specific cases. Its specification how to handle null is the same as the existing LINQ methods (see link).

2 Answers

There is no single command. The shortest I know of--which will group everything not just the maximum value as an intermediate--is


For greater efficiency, folds are good general-purpose tools for finding sums and maxima and various similar things. Basically, any time you need to run over your collection while accumulating some answer, use a fold. In this case,

(xs.head /: xs.tail) {
  (biggest, next) => if (f(biggest) < f(next)) next else biggest

will perform maxBy(f) if you don't mind re-evaluating the function twice for each element, while

((xs.head, f(xs.head)) /: xs.tail) {
  case (scored, next) =>
    val nextscore = f(next)
    if (scored._2 < nextscore) (next, nextscore)
    else scored

will do it with only one evaluation per element. If you want to keep a sequence, you can modify this to

(Seq(xs.head) /: xs.tail) {
  (bigs, next) =>
    if (f(bigs.head) > f(next)) bigs
    else if (f(bigs.head) < f(next)) Seq(next)
    else bigs :+ next

to keep the list (the corresponding single-evaluation form is left as an exercise to the reader).

Finally, even the near-maximum efficiency version isn't all that hard to manage, if you're willing to use a few mutable variables (hopefully well-hidden in a code block like I have here)

val result = {
  var bigs = xs.take(0).toList
  var bestSoFar = f(xs.head)
  xs.foreach{ x =>
    if (bigs.isEmpty) bigs = x :: bigs
    else {
      val fx = f(x)
      if (fx > bestSoFar) {
        bestSoFar = fx
        bigs = List(x)
      else if (fx == bestSoFar) bigs = x :: bigs

(this will return in reverse order, incidentally).

like image 174
Rex Kerr Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Rex Kerr

If you have

case class Student(name: String, grade: String)
val students = List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", "A"))

then this is a pretty simple O(N) solution, which doesn't involve building any intermediate lists:

val bestGrade = students.minBy(_.grade).grade
students.filter(_.grade == bestGrade)    //List(Student(Mike,A), Student(Paul,A))

We use minBy here because of the ordering of Strings.

As a method:

def multiMinBy[A,B](xs: Traversable[A])(f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]) = {
  val minVal = f(xs minBy f)
  xs filter (f(_) == minVal)

scala> multiMinBy(students)(_.grade)
res26: Traversable[Student] = List(Student(Mike,A), Student(Paul,A))
like image 20
Luigi Plinge Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Luigi Plinge