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Why does libstdc++ store std::tuple elements in reverse order?

According to http://flamingdangerzone.com/cxx11/2012/07/06/optimal-tuple-i.html, with regards to std::tuple...

libstdc++ always places the members in reverse order, and libc++ always places the members in the order given

Assuming that's true, is there a reason (historical or otherwise) why libstdc++ uses reverse order?

Bonus: Has either implementation ever changed its std::tuple ordering for any reason?

like image 622
Ixrec Avatar asked Dec 27 '14 01:12


1 Answers

See this answer for why libc++ chose forward order. As for why libstdc++ chose reverse order, that is probably because that's how it was demonstrated in the variadics template proposal, and is the more obvious implementation.

Bonus: No. These orderings have been stable in both libraries.


libc++ chose forward storage order because:

  1. It is implementable.
  2. The implementation has good compile-time performance.
  3. It gives clients of libc++ something that is intuitive and controllable, should they care about the order of the storage, and are willing to depend on it while using libc++, despite its being unspecified.

In short, the implementor of the libc++ tuple merely felt that storing the objects in the order the client (implicitly) specified was the quality thing to do.

like image 64
Howard Hinnant Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Howard Hinnant