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Why Does Lack of Cohesion Of Methods (LCOM) Include Getters and Setters


I am looking at the LCOM metric as shown here,


So we are saying a few things,

1) A class is utterly cohesive if all its methods use all its instance fields
2) Both static and instance methods are counted, it includes also constructors, properties getters/setters, events add/remove methods

If I look at a class such as this,

public class Assessment
    public int StartMetres { get; set; }
    public int EndMetres { get; set; }
    public decimal? NumericResponse { get; set; }
    public string FreeResponse { get; set; }
    public string Responsetype { get; set; }
    public string ItemResponseDescription { get; set; }
    public string StartText { get; set; }
    public decimal? SummaryWeight { get; set; }

It gets a bad score of 0.94 because each getter and setter doesn't access 'all of the other instance fields'.

It is calculated like this,

accessAverage - methodCount / 1 - methodCount

(2 - 17) / (1 - 17) = 0.94 (rounded)

I am not understanding this metric, why should it include getters and setters? A getter and setter will always only access one single instance field.

like image 784
peter Avatar asked May 16 '11 03:05


People also ask

What is lack of cohesion of methods?

The Lack of Cohesion in Methods metric is a measure for the number of not connected method pairs in a class representing independent parts having no cohesion.

Should you always have getters and setters?

Using getters and setters, is always, in my opinion good practice. One thing you should avoid is to have external entities mess with the internal structure of your class at will. Typical example, consider having a dateOfBirth parameter.

Why getters and setters are not public variables?

getters and setter can have validation in them, fields can't. using getter you can get subclass of wanted class. getters and setters are polymorphic, fields aren't. debugging can be much simpler, because breakpoint can be placed inside one method not near many references of that given field.

How do you calculate LCOM?

For each field in the class, you count the methods that reference it, and then you add all of those up across all fields. You then divide that by the count of methods times the count of fields, and you subtract the result from one. So, for instance, consider the classes above. NumberManipulator = 1 – (3/4) = 0.25 LCOM.

1 Answers

This demonstrates that every software metric is flawed if you blindly take it to its extreme.

You know an "incohesive" class when you see one. For example:

class HedgeHog_And_AfricanCountry

   private HedgeHog _hedgeHog;
   private Nation _africanNation;

   public ulong NumberOfQuills { get { return _hedgeHog.NumberOfQuills; } }
   public int CountOfAntsEatenToday { get { return _hedgeHog.AntsEatenToday.Count(); } }

   public decimal GrossDomesticProduct { get { return _africanNation.GDP; } }
   public ulong Population { get { return _africanNation.Population; } }

This is obviously an incohesive class, because it contains two pieces of data that don't need to be with one another.

But while it's obvious to us that this class is incohesive, how can you get a software program to determine incohesion? How would it tell that the above class is incohesive, but this isn't?

class Customer
    public string FullName { get; set; }
    public Address PostalAddress { get; set; }

The metric they came up with certainly detects incohesion, but also comes up with false positives.

What if you decided this metric was important? You could create a "CustomerData" class containing just fields, and a "Customer" class that exposes the data fields as properties.

// This has no methods or getters, so gets a good cohesion value.
class CustomerData
    public string FullName;
    public Address PostalAddress;

// All of the getters and methods are on the same object
class Customer
   private CustomerData _customerData;
   public string FullName { get { return _customerData.FullName; } }
   // etc

But if I'm playing this game, I can apply it to the incohesive example as well:

class Hedgehog_And_AfricanCountry_Data
   public Hedgehog _hedgehog;
   public AfricanNation _africanNation;

class Hedgehog_And_AfricanCountry
   private Hedgehog_And_AfricanCountry_Data _hedgehogAndAfricanCountryData;
   // etc;

Really, I think it's best to understand what cohesion is, and why it's a worthwhile goal, but also understand that a software tool can not properly measure it.

like image 104
Andrew Shepherd Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Andrew Shepherd