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Why does -isMemberOfClass: not work here?

NSMutableArray *arr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:3];

if ([arr isMemberOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) {
} else {

I get always "NO!!" in console. I tried with Array, NSNumber, NSString. All of them don't seem to work. That's strange. As I get it from the docs, this method should return YES if I test agains the class of the object which is subject of the testing. I'm using the Foundation.h, not Core Foundation (if it makes any difference anyways).

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openfrog Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 01:12


2 Answers

You need to use isKindOfClass: or respondsToSelector: as NSArray and similar are class clusters - you actually get subclasses when creating them. See this answer for some interesting bits on this.

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Georg Fritzsche Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 13:12

Georg Fritzsche

When you create an array using [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:], the object you get is actually a member of some concrete subclass of NSMutableArray. NSMutableArray only exists momentarily in the process of creating the concrete instance.

-isMemberOfClass: returns true if the receiver's isa pointer is equal to the given class. -isKindOfClass: returns true if the receiver is a member of the given class or any of its subclasses.

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NSResponder Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 14:12
