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why does inline instance creation behave different?



Consider this code:

function Foo() {

Foo.prototype.alert = function() {

(new Foo()).alert();

When executed (in jsfiddle), the alert shows that 'this' is the window object. Changing the last line to :

var foo = new Foo();

works as expected.

Why is the difference?

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IttayD Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 06:03


People also ask

What are disadvantages of inline?

5) Inline functions may not be useful for many embedded systems. Because in embedded systems code size is more important than speed. 6) Inline functions might cause thrashing because inlining might increase size of the binary executable file. Thrashing in memory causes performance of computer to degrade.

How does inline function differ from ordinary function?

If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time. Normal functions do not have any such functionality. In case of inline function, function calling is replaced by that function definition.

Do inline functions affect the performance?

inline functions might make it faster: As shown above, procedural integration might remove a bunch of unnecessary instructions, which might make things run faster. inline functions might make it slower: Too much inlining might cause code bloat, which might cause “thrashing” on demand-paged virtual-memory systems.

What is the main advantage of inline function?

Inline Function in C++ The main advantage of inline functions is that you can use them with C++ classes as well. When an instruction of a function call is encountered during the compilation of a program, its memory address is stored by the compiler.

2 Answers

Your code is actually:

function Foo() {

Foo.prototype.alert = function() {
}(new Foo()).alert();

Because of the missing semicolon, add a semicolon and it will run properly.

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Esailija Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11


It seems that you are missing a semi-colon:

function Foo() {

Foo.prototype.alert = function() {
}; //Semi-colon here!

(new Foo()).alert();​

Here's a fiddle in which it appears to work as you expect.

What is actually happening is that the alert method gets called immediately, with a new instance of Foo passed into it, and alert is then called on the return value (which is undefined):

Foo.prototype.alert = function() {
}(new Foo()).alert();

As @Nemoy has mentioned, if you just use new Foo().alert() you will get the expected behaviour because automatic semi-colon insertion will put a semi-colon in the right place for you (the lack of a semi-colon doesn't change the meaning of the code). And as the new operator has the highest precedence, the parentheses are not required.

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James Allardice Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11

James Allardice