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Why does :host(:hover) not work here?

I am not able to figure out how :host(:hover) works on child custom elements of a parent custom element. Can someone explain how to make this work?

<!-- import polymer-element's definition -->
<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">

<polymer-element name="my-li" extends="li">
      color: red;
  <script type="application/dart" src="todoitem.dart"></script>
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import "dart:html" as html;

import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

final Logger _widgetlogger = new Logger("todo.item");

class MyListElement extends html.LIElement with Polymer, Observable {

  factory MyListElement() => new html.Element.tag('li', 'my-li');

  MyListElement.created() : super.created() {

  void attached() {
    _widgetlogger.info("todoitem attached");

  void detached() {
    _widgetlogger.info("todoitem detached");

<!-- import polymer-element's definition -->
<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="todoitem.html">
<polymer-element name="todo-widget" attributes="title">
      color: blue;
        <input id="inputBox" placeholder="Enter Todo item" on-change="{{addToList}}">
        <button id="deleteButton" on-click="{{deleteAll}}">Delete All</button>
      <ul id="todolist">
  <script type="application/dart" src="todowidget.dart"></script> 
Corresponding Dart Script
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import "dart:html" as html;
import "todoitem.dart";

import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

final Logger _widgetlogger = new Logger("todo.widget");

class TodoWidget extends PolymerElement {

  @published String title;
  html.InputElement todoInput;
  // html.ButtonElement deleteButton;
  html.UListElement todolist;

  void attached() {
    todolist = $["todolist"];
    todoInput = $["inputBox"];

  TodoWidget.created() : super.created() {
    //This can go into template!!!
    if (title == null) {
      title = "My Todo App";

  void deleteAll(html.Event e, var detail, html.Node target) {
    _widgetlogger.info("All items deleted");
//    print("Clicked");

  void addToList(html.Event e, var detail, html.Node target) {
    _widgetlogger.info("Item added");
    MyListElement li = new MyListElement();
        ..text = todoInput.value
        ..onClick.listen((e) => e.target.remove());
    todoInput.value = "";

Upon running I see no hovering effect. How can I fix this?

like image 291
Rahuketu86 Avatar asked Oct 29 '14 20:10


1 Answers

I guess the problem is that the style tag is outside the <template> tag. It should be inside. I played around with your code (same as in your previous question) and moved the style inside the <template> tag without knowing that I was deviating from the code you posted in your question (I built the element from scratch instead copying the code from your question).

like image 106
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Günter Zöchbauer