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Why does Go have typed nil?





Why does Go have typed nil? It throws an explicit interface conformation check for convenience. What's the problem of untyped nil and what did the designers want to solve with typed nil?

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eonil Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 03:11


People also ask

Why does Go have nil?

In the Go programming language, nil is a zero value. Recall from unit 2 that an integer declared without a value will default to 0. An empty string is the zero value for strings, and so on. A pointer with nowhere to point has the value nil .

Does nil have type Golang?

Nil represents a zero value in Golang. As you may already know, zero values are the "default" value for defined variables in Go. This means that some types doesn't cannot hold empty values, instead acquiring zero values upon initialization to get rid of the problem of checking values for emptyness.

Why does Golang use nil instead of NULL?

nil s in Go. nil is a frequently used and important predeclared identifier in Go. It is the literal representation of zero values of many kinds of types. Many new Go programmers with experiences of some other popular languages may view nil as the counterpart of null (or NULL ) in other languages.

What does nil mean in Golang?

nil in Go is simply the NULL pointer value of other languages. You can effectively use it in place of any pointer or interface (interfaces are somewhat pointers). You can use it as an error, because the error type is an interface. You can't use it as a string because in Go, a string is a value.

2 Answers

It sounds like you're asking about this error message:


package main  import "fmt"  type A struct {} type B struct {}  func (a *A) Foo() {     fmt.Println("A") }  func (b *B) Foo() {     fmt.Println("B") }  func main() {     n := nil     n.Foo() } 

This prints:

prog.go:17: use of untyped nil  [process exited with non-zero status] 

In that example, should the program print "A" or "B"?

You have to help the compiler decide. The way you do that is by specifying the type of n.

For example:


func main() {     var n *A     n.Foo() } 

prints "A".

In other languages, n.Foo() might crash immediately if n is nil or its equivalent. Go's language designers decided to let you determine what should happen instead. If you access the pointer without checking for nil, you get the same behavior as in other languages.

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Sean Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10


This is due to type safety. nil is actually the value of uninitialized variables in Go. The nil values for slices, maps, functions, channels, pointers and interfaces are not the same type, and not comparable. See The language spec for more details.

EDIT: As pointed out by @newacct the correct technical term for this is the "zero value" for the type:

When memory is allocated to store a value, either through a declaration or a call of make or new, and no explicit initialization is provided, the memory is given a default initialization. Each element of such a value is set to the zero value for its type: false for booleans, 0 for integers, 0.0 for floats, "" for strings, and nil for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps.

Playground example

There is also some information regarding nil interfaces and errors at Why is my nil error value not equal to nil? in the Go FAQ.

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Intermernet Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
