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Why does forms with single input field submit upon pressing enter key in input

Why is it that a <form> with a single <input> field will reload the form when the user enters a value and presses the Enter, and it does not if there are 2 or more fields in the <form>?.

I wrote a simple page to test this oddity.

If you enter a value in the second form and press Enter, you'll see it reloads the page passing the entered value as if you called GET. why? and how do I avoid it?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <input type="text" name="partid2" id="partid2" />
  <input type="text" name="partdesc" id="partdesc"  />
  <p>2 field form works fine</p>
<input type="text" name="partid" id="partid"  />
<p>One field form reloads page when you press the Enter key why</p>
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sdfor Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 20:09


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How do I stop form submission on Enter key?

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How do I make a form so it can be submitted by hitting Enter in HTML?

HTML form submit on Enter Key | Example code You don't need to use JavaScript to do submit button or input on entering key pressed. Just need to mark it up with type="submit" , and the other buttons mark them with type="button" .

2 Answers

This is a little known "Quirk" that has been out for a while. I know some people have resolved it in various ways.

The easiest bypass in my opinion is to simply have a second input that isn't displayed to the user. Granted not all that user friendly on the backend, it does work to resolve the issue.

I should note that the most common place that I hear of this issue is with IE specifically and not with FireFox or others. Although it does seem to affect them as well.

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Mitchel Sellers Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Mitchel Sellers

This is a known bug in IE6/7/8. It doesn't appear that you will get a fix for it.

The best workaround you can do for this, is to add another hidden field (if your engineering conscience permits). IE will no longer auto-submit a form when it finds that there are two input-type fields in the form.


In case you were wondering why this is the case, this gem comes straight out of the HTML 2.0 specification (Section 8.2):

When there is only one single-line text input field in a form, the user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to submit the form.

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Vineet Reynolds Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Vineet Reynolds