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Why does Eclipse Java Package Explorer show question mark on some classes?

In the Eclipse Helios Java Package Explorer, I see the Java class icons display a small question mark to the right of the 'J', something like [J?]. This icon is shown on each class within one package in my project, but I cannot find an explanation for this in the documentation.

enter image description here

At some point I expect them to disappear and be replaced with small orange rectangles. (Of which I'm also not certain of their meaning, but less worried of their connotation.) I suppose this question points to a larger one, are any of these icons defined together somewhere?

like image 403
dfdumaresq Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 19:11


People also ask

Why is there question mark on my package in Eclipse?

The question mark means the code is not yet added and committed to your repository. This is normal and would disappear as soon as you commit your code to git.

How do I fix package explorer in Eclipse?

You could try holding down Ctrl + F7 to see a list of all views, then up/down arrow to the View. If Package Explorer is in the list it has been minimised or something. If you select it and still can't see it, try Window → Reset Perspective... to restore all views to their defaults.

How do I enable Package Explorer in Eclipse?

Upon running Eclipse you should see a pane labeled 'Package Explorer', probably on the left. If you do not see one, you can open it up by going to the Window menu, selecting Show View and Package Explorer. If it doesn't show up under Show View, select Other, then 'Java', then 'Package Explorer'.

1 Answers

It means the class is not yet added to the repository.

If your project was checked-out (most probably a CVS project) and you added a new class file, it will have the ? icon.

For other CVS Label Decorations, check http://help.eclipse.org/help33/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/reference/ref-cvs-decorations.htm

like image 161
Aleks Felipe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Aleks Felipe