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Why does Doctrine 2 migration silently fail in Symfony project?

My questions are:

  1. Why does the doctrine migration command within Symfony fail to report the SQL error I am listing below
  2. How can I get it to report such errors, rather than look like it has succeeded.

To be clear - I know why the SQL itself fails. That's the easy part. The silent nature of the failure is the problem.

I have a doctrine migration in a PHP file, as so:

[... boilerplate ...]

public function up(Schema $schema)

    -- This runs fine
    CREATE TABLE [[redacted - this part runs fine]];

    -- This fails with a unique key constraint
    INSERT INTO `users_orgs` (`org_id`, `user_id`, `active`)
    SELECT `oid`, `uid`, 1 as `active` FROM `orgs`;

    -- Never gets here
    ALTER TABLE `orgs` CHANGE `uid` `primary_user_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL;


[... boilerplate ...]

Actual Result

The second statement fails because of a unique key constraint (like "Duplicate entry '6-3' for key 'PRIMARY'" - it's a compound key) but the error is not reported. I know it fails because it's clear the final statement never runs, and if I run the offending statement manually, it fails. When I run:

./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

From within my Symfony application, thus calling the doctrine migration code, it reports:

$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

                Application Migrations                    

WARNING! You are about to execute a database migration that could result in schema changes and data lost. Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)y
Migrating up to 20160822090333 from 20160820232349

  ++ migrating 20160822090333

     -> CREATE TABLE [[redacted - works fine]];

INSERT INTO `users_orgs` (`org_id`, `user_id`, `active`)
SELECT `oid`, `uid`, 1 as `active` FROM `orgs`;

ALTER TABLE `orgs` CHANGE `uid` `primary_user_id` int(11) unsigned  DEFAULT NULL;

  ++ migrated (0.1s)


  ++ finished in 0.1s
  ++ 1 migrations executed
  ++ 1 sql queries

Expected Result

I'm expecting it to report an error. As a test, I created a one-column table with a primary key. I tried to insert a record that would generate a unique constraint violation from within a migration. When I executed the migration, doctrine reported this:

Migration 20160908112332 failed during Execution. Error An exception occurred while executing '        insert into FOO values (1)':

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

My configuration

Here's what I have installed (via composer):

doctrine/annotations                 v1.2.7             Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                       v1.6.0             Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections                 v1.3.0             Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                      v2.6.1             Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/dbal                        v2.5.4             Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/doctrine-bundle             1.6.4              Symfony DoctrineBundle
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle       1.3.0              Symfony Bundle for Doctrine Cache
doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle  v1.2.0             Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle
doctrine/inflector                   v1.1.0             Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer                       v1.0.1             Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Pa...
doctrine/migrations                  1.4.1              Database Schema migrations using Doctrine DBAL
symfony/symfony                      v3.0.9


mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.27, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

What I've tried

I have searched "silent doctrine failure", "silent doctrine migration failure" on google and here, and I've not seen anything. Any insight would be appreciated.

like image 426
Richard Peterson Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 15:09

Richard Peterson

1 Answers

It will have to do with having multiple statements executed in one query.

Doctrine migrations documentation says:

Internally the addSql call are passed to the dbal executeQuery method.

I tried out executing multiple statements with executeQuery and it behaved the same way as for you. (I got different package versions, but only differs in patch level). When I have multiple statements, it only throws an error if the first statement fails.

Consider this example:

/** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection */
$connection = $this->getDoctrine()->getConnection();

$createTable = "CREATE TABLE test (org_id int not null, user_id int not null, PRIMARY KEY(org_id, user_id));";

$insert = "INSERT INTO test (org_id, user_id) VALUES (1, 1);";

// this will create the table (if doesn't exist) and add a record, the second insert silently fails.


// ... same as above except for executeQuery
$connection->executeQuery("{$insert}"); // <- duplicate key error is thrown

Where I'm trying to get to is to use separate addSql() statements for each of your statements.

[... boilerplate ...]

public function up(Schema $schema)
    $this->addSql("CREATE TABLE [[redacted - this part runs fine]];");

    $this->addSql("INSERT INTO `users_orgs` (`org_id`, `user_id`, `active`) SELECT `oid`, `uid`, 1 as `active` FROM `orgs`;");

    $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE `orgs` CHANGE `uid` `primary_user_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL;");

[... boilerplate ...]
like image 86
jkrnak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
