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Why does "docker attach" hang?

I can run an ubuntu container successfully:

# docker run -it -d ubuntu 3aef6e642327ce7d19c7381eb145f3ad10291f1f2393af16a6327ee78d7c60bb # docker ps CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES 3aef6e642327        ubuntu              "/bin/bash"         3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds                            condescending_sammet 

But executing docker attach hangs:

# docker attach 3aef6e642327 

Until I press any key, such as Enter:

# docker attach 3aef6e642327 root@3aef6e642327:/# root@3aef6e642327:/# ls bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var 

Why does docker attach hang?


After reading the comments, I think I get the answers:


"docker attach" reuse the same tty, not open new tty.

(1) Executing the docker run without daemon mode:

# docker run -it ubuntu root@eb3c9d86d7a2:/#  

Everything is OK, then run ls command:

root@eb3c9d86d7a2:/# ls bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var root@eb3c9d86d7a2:/# 

(2) Run docker run in daemon mode:

# docker run -it -d ubuntu 91262536f7c9a3060641448120bda7af5ca812b0beb8f3c9fe72811a61db07fc 

Actually, the following should have been outputted to stdout from the running container:


So executing docker attach seems to hang, but actually it is waiting for your input:

# docker attach 91262536f7c9 ls bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var root@91262536f7c9:/# 
like image 651
Nan Xiao Avatar asked Feb 23 '16 09:02

Nan Xiao

People also ask

Why is docker run hanging?

When your docker command hangs unexpectedly, there maybe such problems in your system: Your computer is full of docker images, has exceeded the capacity of your computer. If the docker images are out of date, please remove it from your system.

How stop docker attach without stopping?

Detaching Without Stopping Docker supports a keyboard combination to gracefully detach from a container. Press Ctrl-P, followed by Ctrl-Q, to detach from your connection. You'll be dropped back into your shell but the previously attached process will remain alive, keeping your container running.

What is docker attach?

Description. Use docker attach to attach your terminal's standard input, output, and error (or any combination of the three) to a running container using the container's ID or name. This allows you to view its ongoing output or to control it interactively, as though the commands were running directly in your terminal.

2 Answers

It does not really hang. As you can see in the comment below (You are running "/bin/bash" as command) it seems to be expected behaviour when attaching.

As far as I understand you attach to the running shell and just the stdin/stdout/stderr - depending on the options you pass along with the run command - will just show you whatever goes in/out from that moment. (Someone with a bit more in-depth knowledge hopefuly can explain this on a higher level).

As I wrote in my comment on your question, there are several people who have opened an issue on the docker github repo describing similar behaviour:

  • docker attach [container] hangs, requires input #8521
  • docker attach hangs setting terminal state when attaching to container

Since you mention shell, I assume you have a shell already running. attach doesn't start a new process, so what is the expected behavior of connecting to the in/out/err streams of a running process? I didn't think about this. Of course this is the expected behavior of attaching to a running shell, but is it desirable?

Would it be at all possible to flush stdout/stderr on docker attach thereby forcing the shell prompt to be printed or is it a bit more complex than that? That's what I personally would "expect" when attaching to an already running shell.

Feel free to close this issue if necessary, I just felt the need to document this and get some feedback.

  • Taken from a comment on this github issue. You can find more insight in the comments of this issue.

If instead of enter you would start typing a command, you would not see the extra empty prompt line. If you were to run

$ docker exec -it ubuntu <container-ID-or-name> bash  

where <container-ID-or-name> is the ID or name of the container after you run docker run -it -d ubuntu (so 3aef6e642327 or condescending_sammet in your question) it would run a new command, thus not having this "stdout problem" of attaching to an existing one.


If you would have a Dockerfile in a directory containing:

FROM ubuntu:latest ADD ./script.sh /timescript.sh  RUN chmod +x /timescript.sh CMD ["/timescript.sh"] 

And have a simple bash script script.sh in the same directory containing:

#!/bin/bash  #trap ctrl-c and exit, couldn't get out #of the docker container once attached trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c() {     exit }  while true; do     time=$(date +%N)     echo $time;     sleep  1; done 

Then build (in this example in the same directory as the Dockerfile and script.sh) and run it with

$ docker build -t nan-xiao/time-test . ..stuff happening... $ docker run -itd --name time-test nan-xiao/time-test 

Finally attach

$ docker attach time-test 

You will end up attached to a container printing out the time every second. (CTRL-C to get out)

Example 2

Or if you would have a Dockerfile containing for example the following:

FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get -y install irssi ENTRYPOINT ["irssi"] 

Then run in the same directory:

$ docker build -t nan-xiao/irssi-test . 

Then run it:

$ docker run -itd --name irssi-test nan-xiao/irssi-test 

And finally

$ docker attach irssi-test 

You would end up in a running irssi window without this particular behaviour. Of course you can substitute irrsi for another program.

like image 178
Francesco de Guytenaere Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Francesco de Guytenaere

I ran into this issue as well when attempting to attach to a container that was developed by someone else and already running a daemon. (In this case, it was LinuxServer's transmission docker image).


What happened was the terminal appeared to 'hang', where typing anything didn't help and wouldn't show up. Only Ctrl-C would kick me back out.

docker run, docker start, docker attach all was not successful, turns out the command I needed (after the container has been started with run or start) was to execute bash, as chances are the container you pulled from doesn't have bash already running.


docker exec -it <container-id> bash

(you can find the container-id from running docker ps -a).

This will pull you into the instance with a functional bash as root (assuming there was no other explicit set up done by the image you pulled).

I know the accepted answer has captured this as well, but decided to post another one that is a little more terse and obvious, as the solution didn't pop out for me when I was reading it.

like image 30
matrixanomaly Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
