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Why does Dijkstra's algorithm need a priority queue when this regular queue version is also correct?

I have read the following but please take a look at my code below.

Why Dijkstra's Algorithm uses heap (priority queue)?

I have two versions of dijkstra, one good version with PQueue, and one bad version with regular linked list queue.

public static void computeDijkstra(Vertex source) {
    source.minDistance = 0.;
    Queue<Vertex> vertexQueue = new PriorityQueue<Vertex>();
    // Queue<Vertex> vertexQueue = new LinkedList<Vertex>();

    while (!vertexQueue.isEmpty()) {
        Vertex fromVertex = vertexQueue.poll();

        if (fromVertex.neighbors != null) {
            for (Edge currentEdge : fromVertex.neighbors) {
                Vertex toVertex = currentEdge.target;
                if (currentEdge.weight + fromVertex.minDistance < toVertex.minDistance) {
                    toVertex.minDistance = currentEdge.weight + fromVertex.minDistance;
                    toVertex.previous = fromVertex;

public static void computeDijkstraBad(Vertex source) {
    source.minDistance = 0.;
    // Queue<Vertex> vertexQueue = new PriorityQueue<Vertex>();
    Queue<Vertex> vertexQueue = new LinkedList<Vertex>();

    while (!vertexQueue.isEmpty()) {
        Vertex fromVertex = vertexQueue.poll();

        if (fromVertex.neighbors != null) {
            for (Edge currentEdge : fromVertex.neighbors) {
                Vertex toVertex = currentEdge.target;
                if (currentEdge.weight + fromVertex.minDistance < toVertex.minDistance) {
                    toVertex.minDistance = currentEdge.weight + fromVertex.minDistance;
                    toVertex.previous = fromVertex;

I also have graph creation with a text file like below

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 // vertices
0, 6 // from and to vertex
1, (2-5, 0-4, 4-6) // from vertex 1 it will have edge to 2 with weight 5 ...
0, (4-3, 3-7)
4, (2-11, 3-8)
3, (2-2, 5-5)
2, (6-2, 5-10)
5, (6-3)

Both the implementation renders the following [0, 3, 2, 6] which is the shortest path indeed from 0 to 6!

Now we know, if a Simple BFS is used to find shortest distance with positive integers, there will be cases where it will not find the minimum path. So, can someone give me a counter example for which my Bad implementation will fail to print the right path for a graph. Feel free to give me the answer in the graph format (the sample text file format) that I used.

So far all the graphs I have had, both implementations rendered the right result. This shouldn't happen because the bad implementation is runtime (E+V) and we know we can't find shortest path without at least E log V.

Another example,

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
0, 10
0, (1-9, 2-10, 3-11)
1, (4-1, 5-7)
2, (4-4, 5-3, 6-5)
3, (5-1, 6-4)
4, (7-9, 8-14, 5-3)
5, (7-4, 8-5, 9-9, 6-2)
6, (8-2, 9-2)
7, (10-3)
8, (10-2)
9, (10-5)

Both implementations renders [0, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10], which is the correct shortest path from 0-10.

like image 706
Richard Abraham Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 16:04

Richard Abraham

People also ask

Why does Dijkstra need priority queue?

Dijkstra's algorithm needs a priority queue to find the next node to explore. Nodes are added to the priority queue with their currently-known total distance — their distance acts as their“priority”. A node's priority can later be updated with a new total distance if we find a shorter path to the node.

How many priority queues are involved in Dijkstra algorithm?

How many priority queue operations are involved in Dijkstra's Algorithm? Explanation: The number of priority queue operations involved is 3. They are insert, extract-min and decrease key.

What is the significance of priority queue?

Priority queues are very important to systems that juggle multiple programs and their execution (programs are chosen to run based on their priority). They are also very important to networking systems, like the internet, because they can help prioritize important data to make sure it gets through faster.

Does Dijkstra use queue or stack?

@harrythomas Dijkstra's uses a priority queue data structure to keep track of the frontier of unvisited nodes.

1 Answers

I believe that the algorithm you've given is correct, but that it isn't as efficient as Dijkstra's algorithm.

At a high level, your algorithm works by finding an "active" node (one whose distance has been lowered), then scanning the outgoing edges to activate all adjacent nodes that need their distance updated. Notice that the same node can be made active multiple times - in fact, it's possible that a node will be activated once per time its candidate distance drops, which can happen potentially many times in a run of the algorithm. Additionally, the algorithm you have implemented might put the same node into the queue multiple times if the candidate distance drops multiple times, so it's possible that all dequeues except the first will be unnecessary. Overall, I'd expect this would result in a pretty big runtime hit for large graphs.

In a sense, the algorithm you've implemented is a shortest paths algorithm, but it's not Dijkstra's algorithm. The main difference is that Dijkstra's algorithm uses a priority queue to ensure that every node is dequeued and processed once and exactly once, leading to much higher efficiency.

So I guess the best answer I can give is "your algorithm isn't an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm, and the reason Dijkstra's algorithm uses a priority queue is to avoid recomputing distances multiple times in the way that your algorithm does."

like image 134
templatetypedef Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
