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Why does change from Spring boot version 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 gives unknown configuration Maven error?

I had installed Eclipse (actually Spring Tool Suite). It came with Maven. I had created Spring boot starter projects. Maven was downloading all the dependencies and things were working fine.

Recently, I created a new project. This time, I noticed an error in pom.xml and the problem window (in STS) showing the following:

Description Resource    Path                    Location   Type Unknown     pom.xml     /TestSessionAttribute   line 1     Maven Configuration Problem 

I noticed that the spring boot version was at 2.1.5 (it was 2.1.4 before).

<parent>     <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>     <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId>     <version>2.1.5.RELEASE</version>     <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository --> </parent> 

I went ahead and did an update of the project (Maven > Update project) with the 'Force Update of Snapshots/Releases' checked. This did not resolve the problem. I do see the


in the m2 repository.

I went back and changed the version to 2.1.4 and then a Maven > Update Project and the errors went away.

Why am I getting the Maven error when version is 2.1.5?

like image 787
user2125853 Avatar asked May 15 '19 16:05


People also ask

Do we need to install Maven separately for spring boot?

Spring Boot is compatible with Apache Maven 3.3 or above. If you do not already have Maven installed, you can follow the instructions at maven.apache.org. On many operating systems, Maven can be installed with a package manager. If you use OSX Homebrew, try brew install maven .

How does Maven work with spring boot?

The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven. It allows you to package executable jar or war archives, run Spring Boot applications, generate build information and start your Spring Boot application prior to running integration tests.

1 Answers

According to this link you can fix the issue by downgrading the maven-jar-plugin to 3.1.1 (from 3.1.2). I can confirm that the fix works for my own projects.

Add the following entry to your pom to fix that issue.

<properties>     <maven-jar-plugin.version>3.1.1</maven-jar-plugin.version> </properties> 

An official bug entry for eclipse exists as well.

like image 165
ST-DDT Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10