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Why does bootstrap-datepicker trigger 'show.bs.modal' when it is displayed?

I have a modal, illustrated below,

When I select the input field that contains the date picker, the bootstrap modal event .on('show.bs.modal') gets triggered, which is super problematic because I'm taking all kinds of async action when the modal is legitimately shown. I'm of the opinion that the modal is already shown and this event should not be firing.

I have a listener on the bootstrap event 'show.bs.modal' as referenced below,

  handleModalLaunch: () ->
    $(@modalClass).on 'show.bs.modal', (event) =>
      return if event.dates
      promise = new Promise ( (resolve, reject) =>
        if (@interactionData)
        (results) =>
          @trigger 'setRooms', @callBacks
          @trigger 'setStudentInfo', @callBacks
        (err) ->

And effectively, the listener is being triggered again which is subsequently calling the promise and associated callbacks, the triggering of the event is problematic because of course, the modal is already show and I don't want these callbacks/promise being run.

I added return if event.dates (event.dates being a property unique to the datepicker event), to basically short circuit this code in the event that the date-picker triggered the modal show event, but of course, this is hacky and I'd like to better understand why the datepicker itself is triggering the show event. Potentially, since my show even listener is tied to the class of the modal, the act of showing the datepicker probably inherits the target of the parent modal and is likely itself a modal, ie, the modal(datepicker) is shown and since the datepicker inherits from the parent modal, the event triggers as though it was the parent modal being 'shown'. Have I utterly confused this? (Actually, it seems clearer to me now, but still need to understand how to fix.)

like image 332
John Avatar asked May 07 '15 23:05


People also ask

Why datepicker is not working in modal?

delegate("#DatePicker", "focusin", function () { $(this). datepicker(); });? If above code works for you, the reason it's wasn't working for you is because your datepicker is being bound to elements that exist at the time the script is run.

Why bootstrap datepicker is not working?

Because you're defining the code in the head the body and its contents haven't been loaded yet; so the selector finds no elements to initialize datepicker. If you don't want to use document. ready functionality you could also move the script to the end of the body tag.

How do I know if my datepicker is loaded?

You can check to see if the datepicker script has loaded using: if ($. fn. datepicker) { // ... }

How can I hide datepicker after selecting date?

Syntax: $(". selector"). datepicker("hide");

1 Answers

This is a bug in date picker library. You can track it on github here. There is workaround given there by @kroeder

$("#my-datepicker").datepicker().on('show.bs.modal', function(event) {
    // prevent datepicker from firing bootstrap modal "show.bs.modal"
like image 163
hhsadiq Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
