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Why does Ansible evaluate this variable, even inside a false if block?




When Ansible encounters an if block, and the if condition involves the groups variable, it seems to expand the contents of the block before it has evaluated the if condition. This is causing an undefined variable error that the if condition would otherwise protect against.

Why does error occur? Is it expected behaviour, or a bug?

I've reduced the behaviour to a minimal test case.



    foo: "{{ groups.group1[0] }}"


An empty string, because in both cases the if condition is false

$ ansible -i inventory.yml group2 -mdebug -amsg="{% if false %}{{ foo }}{% endif %}"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "msg": ""
$ ansible -i inventory.yml group2 -mdebug -amsg="{% if groups.group1 %}{{ foo }}{% endif %}"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "msg": ""


When the if condition involves the groups variable, foo is evaluated, resulting in an undefined variable message

$ ansible -i inventory.yml group2 -mdebug -amsg="{% if false %}{{ foo }}{% endif %}"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "msg": ""
$ ansible -i inventory.yml group2 -mdebug -amsg="{% if groups.group1 %}{{ foo }}{% endif %}"
localhost | FAILED! => {
    "msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: list object has no element 0"

I'm using Ansible 2.7.9.

like image 656
Alex Willmer Avatar asked Apr 12 '19 12:04

Alex Willmer

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1 Answers

Ansible expands templated keys on demand from the magical context dictionary it passes to Jinja, as Jinja requests them, however Jinja early-binds any name referenced by a template before any processing begins.

Jinja expects the context to yield either a concrete value or the equivalent of KeyError ("Undefined" IIRC), Ansible OTOH uses this moment to recursively invoke Jinja in order to build the value to pass to the original template invocation. It is in this recursive invocation that your error is occurring.

It may be helpful to look at the raw Jinja source for a similar template (prepared with jinja2.Environment().compile(..., raw=True):

from __future__ import division
from jinja2.runtime import LoopContext, TemplateReference, Macro, Markup, TemplateRuntimeError, missing, concat, escape, markup_join, unicode_join, to_string, identity, TemplateNotFound, Namespace
name = None

def root(context, missing=missing, environment=environment):
    resolve = context.resolve_or_missing
    undefined = environment.undefined
    if 0: yield None
    l_0_foo = resolve('foo')
    l_0_groups = resolve('groups')
    if environment.getattr((undefined(name='groups') if l_0_groups is missing else l_0_groups), 'group1'):
        yield to_string((undefined(name='foo') if l_0_foo is missing else l_0_foo))

blocks = {}
debug_info = '1=12'

Notice how the calls to resolve() complete before any conditional evaluation occurs. It is within resolve() that Ansible attempts to recursively expand your foo variable.

It should be possible to tweak things so that foo is only expanded should Jinja attempt to convert it to a string (or similar), so I'd suggest filing an upstream bug.

like image 178
dmw Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
