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Why does an empty struct in C# consume memory

I always understood structs (value types) contain exactly the number of bytes as defined in the fields of the structure... however, I did some tests and there seems to be an exception for the empty structs:

public class EmptyStructTest
    static void Main(string[] args)
        FindMemoryLoad<FooStruct>((id) => new FooStruct());
        FindMemoryLoad<Bar<FooStruct>>((id) => new Bar<FooStruct>(id));
        FindMemoryLoad<Bar<int>>((id) => new Bar<int>(id));
        FindMemoryLoad<int>((id) => id);

    private static void FindMemoryLoad<T>(Func<int, T> creator) where T : new()
        long start = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

        T[] ids = new T[10000];
        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
            ids[i] = creator(i);

        long end = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", ((double)end-start) / 10000.0, ids.Length);

    public struct FooStruct { }

    public struct Bar<T> where T : struct
        public Bar(int id) { value = id; thing = default(T); }

        public int value;
        public T thing;

If you run the program, you'll find that en FooStruct which has obviously 0 bytes of data will consume 1 byte of memory. The reason this is a problem for me is that I want Bar<FooStruct> to consume exactly 4 bytes (because I'm going to allocate it a lot).

Why does it have this behavior and is there a way to fix this (e.g. is there a special thing that consumes 0 bytes-- I'm not looking for a redesign)?

like image 990
atlaste Avatar asked May 17 '13 14:05


People also ask

Can you have an empty struct in C?

Empty struct in C is undefined behaviour (refer C17 spec, section 6.7. 2.1 ): If the struct-declaration-list does not contain any named members, either directly or via an anonymous structure or anonymous union, the behavior is undefined.

What does an empty struct mean?

The empty struct is a struct type that has no fields.

Why sizeof empty struct is 1?

C++ The C++ standard does not permit objects (or classes) of size 0. This is because that would make it possible for two distinct objects to have the same memory location. This is the reason behind the concept that even an empty class and structure must have a size of at least 1.

How do you know if a struct is empty?

1) To check if the structure is empty:fmt. Println( "It is an empty structure." ) fmt. Println( "It is not an empty structure." )

2 Answers

Summary: An empty struct in .NET consumes 1 byte. You can think of this as packing, since the unnamed byte is only accessible via unsafe code.

More information: if you do all your pointer arithmetic according to values reported by .NET, things work out consistently.

The following example illustrates using adjacent 0-byte structures on the stack, but these observations obviously apply to arrays of 0-byte structures as well.

struct z { };

unsafe static void foo()
    var z3 = default(z);
    bool _;
    long cb_pack, Δz, cb_raw;
    var z2 = default(z);    // (reversed since stack offsets are negative)
    var z1 = default(z);
    var z0 = default(z);

    // stack packing differs between x64 and x86
    cb_pack = (long)&z1 - (long)&z0; // --> 1 on x64, 4 on x86

    // pointer arithmetic should give packing in units of z-size
    Δz = &z1 - &z0; // --> 1 on x64, 4 on x86

    // if one asks for the value of such a 'z-size'...
    cb_raw = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(z));     // --> 1

    // ...then the claim holds up:
    _ = cb_pack == Δz * cb_raw;     // --> true

    // so you cannot rely on special knowledge that cb_pack==0 or cb_raw==0
    _ = &z0 /* + 0 */ == &z1;   // --> false
    _ = &z0 /* + 0 + 0 */ == &z2;   // --> false

    // instead, the pointer arithmetic you meant was:
    _ = &z0 + cb_pack == &z1;   // --> true
    _ = &z0 + cb_pack + cb_pack == &z2; // --> true

    // array indexing also works using reported values
    _ = &(&z0)[Δz] == &z1;  // --> true

    // the default structure 'by-value' comparison asserts that
    // all z instances are (globally) equivalent...
    _ = EqualityComparer<z>.Default.Equals(z0, z1); // --> true

    // ...even when there are intervening non-z objects which
    // would prevent putative 'overlaying' of 0-sized structs:
    _ = EqualityComparer<z>.Default.Equals(z0, z3); // --> true

    // same result with boxing/unboxing
    _ = Object.Equals(z0, z3);  // -> true

    // this one is never true for boxed value types
    _ = Object.ReferenceEquals(z0, z0); // -> false

As I mentioned in a comment, @supercat got it right when he noted, "There probably wouldn't have been any problem with designing .NET to allow for zero-length structures from the beginning, but there could be some things that would break if it were to start doing so now."

EDIT: If you need to programmatically distinguish between 0-byte vs. 1-byte value types, you can use the following:

public static bool IsZeroSizeStruct(Type t)
    return t.IsValueType && !t.IsPrimitive && 
           t.GetFields((BindingFlags)0x34).All(fi => IsZeroSizeStruct(fi.FieldType));

Note that this correctly identifies arbitrarily nested structs where the total size would be zero.

struct z { };
struct zz { public z _z, __z, ___z; };
struct zzz { private zz _zz; };
struct zzzi { public zzz _zzz; int _i; };

/// ...

c = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(z));      // 1
c = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(zz));     // 3
c = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(zzz));    // 3
c = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(zzzi));   // 8

_ = IsZeroSizeStruct(typeof(z));    // true
_ = IsZeroSizeStruct(typeof(zz));   // true 
_ = IsZeroSizeStruct(typeof(zzz));  // true
_ = IsZeroSizeStruct(typeof(zzzi)); // false

[edit: see comment] What's strange here is that, when nesting 0-byte structs, the single-byte minimum can accumulate (i.e. into 3 bytes for 'zz' and 'zzz') but then suddenly all of that chaff disappears as soon as a single "substantial" field is included.

like image 130
Glenn Slayden Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Glenn Slayden

It's the same reason zero-sized objects aren't allowed in C (or C++): pointer arithmetic in terms of number of elements.

C# supports pointer subtraction in unsafe blocks, defined thus:

Given two expressions, P and Q, of a pointer type T*, the expression P – Q computes the difference between the addresses given by P and Q and then divides that difference by sizeof(T).

Since division by zero is not possible, this implies that sizeof(T) > 0 for all T.

like image 20
Ben Voigt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Ben Voigt