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Why does a SQL query with != 0 not include NULL values?

Here is a sqlfiddle of two test tables: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/33361/3

tl;dr: why does a SQL query with != 0 not include NULL values?

I am LEFT JOINing the two tables. I'd like to see rows which either have NULL in tableB.field1 or a 1 in tableB.field1, but exclude all which have a 0 in tableB.field1.

I would think that this query (example 6) should give me this result, but it doesn't get the null records.

SELECT * FROM tableA a
LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.id = b.join_id
b.field1 != 0;

I have to use this longer query (example 4):

SELECT * FROM tableA a
LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.id = b.join_id
b.field1 != 0 OR b.field1 IS NULL;

Just curious more than anything - how does MySQL not consider NULL to be != 0?

When I move the conditional to the ON clause, I get an unexpected row:

mysql> SELECT * FROM tableA a
    -> LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.id = b.join_id AND b.field1 != 0;
| id   | field1 | field2 | join_id | field1 | field2 |
|    1 | testA1 | testA1 |       1 | 1      | testB1 |
|    2 | testA2 | testA2 |    NULL | NULL   | NULL   |
|    3 | testA3 | testA3 |    NULL | NULL   | NULL   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
like image 692
dmgig Avatar asked Mar 10 '16 16:03


2 Answers

Why does a SQL query with != 0 not include NULL values?

Short answer: Because SELECT 0 != NULL returns (NULL)

Longer answer: According to MySQL's documentation

You cannot use arithmetic comparison operators such as =, <, or <> to test for NULL.

If you want to include NULL in your Select clauses you will have to translate it in it's arithmetic representation with the help of 'IS NULL' or 'IFNULL'.

Your SQL query can be rewritten as:

FROM tableA a
LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.id = b.join_id
    IFNULL(b.field1, -1) != 0;
like image 164
Sevle Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 13:10


From eggyal's comment: "Or just use MySQL's NULL-safe equality comparison operator, <=> —e.g. WHERE NOT b.field1 <=> 0."

SELECT * FROM tableA a
LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.id = b.join_id
WHERE NOT b.field1 <=> 0
like image 27
Nae Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10
