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Why does 1==1==1 return true, "1"=="1"=="1" return true, and "a"=="a"=="a" return false? [duplicate]



People also ask

Why does true == true return false?

Because they don't represent equally convertible types/values. The conversion used by == is much more complex than a simple toBoolean conversion used by if ('true') . So given this code true == 'true' , it finds this: "If Type(x) is Boolean , return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y ."

Does === return false?

Note that === never causes type coercion, but checks for correct types first and yields false if they are not equal!

What is the value of 1 === 1 in JavaScript?

This is because JavaScript only compares the values in the statement "1" == 1 . The double equals sign tells JavaScript that even if the types are different, its allowed to coerce and compare the pure values. This is why it is often advised to use the triple equals sign, to avoid this type coercion.

What is return false and true?

The return True ends the function's execution and returns the boolean True. Similarly return False ends the function's execution and returns the boolean False. If you don't have a return statement then when the function exits it returns None.

Because you are comparing the (boolean) result of the first equality with the (non-boolean) third value.

In code, 1 == 1 == 1 is equivalent to (1 == 1) == 1 is equivalent to true == 1.

This means the three methods can be written more simply as:

function a() { return (true == 1); }
function b() { return (true == "1"); }
function c() { return (true == "a"); }

These comparisons work according to these rules (emphasis mine):

If the two operands are not of the same type, JavaScript converts the operands, then applies strict comparison. If either operand is a number or a boolean, the operands are converted to numbers if possible; else if either operand is a string, the string operand is converted to a number if possible. If both operands are objects, then JavaScript compares internal references which are equal when operands refer to the same object in memory.

So what happens in c is that "a" is converted to a number (giving NaN) and the result is strictly compared to true converted to a number (giving 1).

Since 1 === NaN is false, the third function returns false. It's very easy to see why the first two functions will return true.

Because 1 == true

But "a" != true

So basically what happens is that

1 == 1, "1" == "1" and "a" == "a" are all evaluated to be true and then compared to the next value.

The string "1" is converted to a number (1) prior to being compared to true and is thus also considered to be equal to true.

Now, the "WHY?!?!" question is explained by the fact that Javascript has its roots in the C-family of languages. In which any number, other than 0 is considered to be a valid true boolean. :-/

Because 1 and "1" are both converted to true, as numbers. This is not the case with "a". Therefore:

("1" == "1" == "1") 

evaluates to

(("1" == "1") == "1") 

which evaluates to

(true == "1")


("1" == 1 == "1") 

is also true, or any combination thereof. In fact, any non-zero number when converted to a boolean is true.

Whereas, "a" does not evaluate to true.

It's because JavaScript is a weakly typed language. This means that it is not expressive enough to talk about types, and in fact implicitly coerces values to belong in types to which they have no semantic relation. So, (1 == 1) == 1 evaluates to true because (1 == 1) correctly evaluates to true, so that JavaScript evaluates (true) = 1. In particular, it is turning 1 to a boolean (or true to a number -- I forget which, but the result is effectively the same).

The point is that JavaScript is turning one type of value into another type of value behind your back.

Your question shows why this is a problem: ('a' == 'a') == 'a' is false, because ('a' == 'a') is true, and JavaScript ends up comparing (true) == 'a'. Since there is just no sensible way to turn a Boolean into a letter (or a letter into a boolean), that statement is false. Of course, that breaks referential transparency for (==).

It's true that (1 == 1) == 1. Then it will be true == 1, but not in a == a == a.

Boolean handled as bits, each bit stands for true or false ( 1 for true, 0 for false )

so that 1 stands for true, and 0 stand for false

and 1 == 1 == 1 will be like (1 == 1) == 1, true == 1, true

while 'a' == 'a' == 'a' will be ('a' == 'a') == 'a', true == 'a', false

BONUS: 0 == 1 == 0, 1 == 0 == 0 and 0 == 0 == 1 returns true