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Why do we use drawable v24 in android?



We have a drawable file already in drawable v21 also for ripple effect. So why we use drawable v24 when we are getting vector file already.

Below is the xml File ic_launcher_foreground.xml.

  <vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
            android:pathData="M32,64C32,64 38.39,52.99 44.13,50.95C51.37,48.37 70.14,49.57 70.14,49.57L108.26,87.69L108,109.01L75.97,107.97L32,64Z"
             <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
             android:pathData="M66.94,46.02L66.94,46.02C72.44,50.07 76,56.61 76,64L32,64C32,56.61 35.56,50.11
 40.98,46.06L36.18,41.19C35.45,40.45 35.45,39.3 36.18,38.56C36.91,37.81 38.05,37.81 38.78,38.56L44.25,44.05C47.18,42.57 50.48,41.71 54,41.71C57.48,41.71 60.78,42.57 63.68,44.05L69.11,38.56C69.84,37.81
 70.98,37.81 71.71,38.56C72.44,39.3 72.44,40.45 71.71,41.19L66.94,46.02ZM62.94,56.92C64.08,56.92 65,56.01 65,54.88C65,53.76 64.08,52.85 62.94,52.85C61.8,52.85 60.88,53.76
 60.88,54.88C60.88,56.01 61.8,56.92 62.94,56.92ZM45.06,56.92C46.2,56.92 47.13,56.01 47.13,54.88C47.13,53.76 46.2,52.85 45.06,52.85C43.92,52.85 43,53.76 43,54.88C43,56.01 43.92,56.92 45.06,56.92Z"
like image 576
Salman Avatar asked Jun 14 '18 04:06


People also ask

What is v24 in Android drawable?

Classic drawable resources such as images are stored in the drawable folder. In contrast, vector drawables are stored in drawable-v24 . For this project, keep the drawable default and click OK. You should now see the New File dialog box.

What is the use of drawable in Android?

A drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic that can be drawn to the screen and which you can retrieve with APIs such as getDrawable(int) or apply to another XML resource with attributes such as android:drawable and android:icon . There are several different types of drawables: Bitmap File.

What are Drawables in Android Studio?

What are Drawables? A Drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic which can be drawn. The simplest case is a graphical file (bitmap), which would be represented in Android via a BitmapDrawable class. Every Drawable is stored as individual files in one of the res/drawable folders.

What is drawable folder in Android directory?

In Android Studio inside the res folder, one can find the drawable folder, layout folder, mipmap folder, values folder, etc. Among them, the drawable folder contains the different types of images used for the development of the application.

What is drawable V24 in Android Studio?

What is drawable v24 in Android Studio? Classic drawable resources such as images are stored in the drawable folder. In contrast, vector drawables are stored in drawable-v24 . For this project, keep the drawable default and click OK.

What is a drawable in Android?

What are Drawables? A Drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic which can be drawn. The simplest case is a graphical file (bitmap), which would be represented in Android via a BitmapDrawable class. Every Drawable is stored as individual files in one of the res/drawable folders.

What is a clipdrawable?

An XML file that defines a drawable that insets another drawable by a specified distance. This is useful when a View needs a background drawable that is smaller than the View's actual bounds. An XML file that defines a drawable that clips another Drawable based on this Drawable's current level value. Creates a ClipDrawable.

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We can recolor and manipulate them even when the app is running and use the same ShapeDrawable multiple times in our app. Since ShapeDrawables are a subclass of the Drawable abstract class, we can use them in methods where a Drawable is expected.

1 Answers

The different drawable folders are for providing different screen densities for device compatibility and for different Android versions.

See this answer for more details

like image 119
Anaya Adana Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Anaya Adana