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Why do we need to call http.addFilterBefore() method in spring security configure(HttpSecurity http) method?

I am trying to understand why do we usually need to call http.addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationFilter(),UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class) method in the initial configure(HttpSecurity http) method? As i understood it will firstly add a result from jwtAuthenticationFilter() and then UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter but i am not sure why? jwtAuthenticationFilter() implementation :

protected  void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder) throws Exception {

Also is it that the security class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter will only be called once on startup?

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Petar Petrovic Avatar asked Nov 22 '19 14:11

Petar Petrovic

People also ask

What is addFilterBefore Spring Security?

addFilterBefore(filter, class) adds a filter before the position of the specified filter class. addFilterAfter(filter, class) adds a filter after the position of the specified filter class.

What is HttpSecurity in Java?

A HttpSecurity is similar to Spring Security's XML <http> element in the namespace configuration. It allows configuring web based security for specific http requests. By default it will be applied to all requests, but can be restricted using requestMatcher(RequestMatcher) or other similar methods.

What is authentication filter in Spring Security?

Class AuthenticationFilterA Filter that performs authentication of a particular request. An outline of the logic: A request comes in and if it does not match setRequestMatcher(RequestMatcher) , then this filter does nothing and the FilterChain is continued.

What can I use instead of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter?

You need to declare SecurityFilterChain and WebSecurityCustomizer beans instead of overriding methods of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class. NOTE: If you don't want to change your current code, you should keep Spring Boot version lower than 2.7. 0 or Spring Security version older than 5.7. 1.

1 Answers

  1. why do we usually need to call

We are configuring. not calling!

  1. Also is it that the security class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter will only be called once on startup?

Yes, configure methods will be executed(Run-Time-Polymorphism) on start up to set up HttpSecurity or configuring spring security filters.

In simple words, Spring Security is a filter based framework. Either we are enabling existing filter and configuring it or adding our custom filter.

  1. configure() method is used to set up existing filters after setting up we can modify those filters configuration. If your modification of configuration does not fulfill your requirements then you can define your own custom filers.

  2. To define custom filter there are three* provisions as given below
    (Actually 4 addFilterAt() which is rarely used)

| java-config                      | xml-config                                        |
| .addFilter()                     | <custom-filter  position="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>    |
| .addFilterBefore()               | <custom-filter  before="LAST" />                  |
| .addFilterAfter()                | <custom-filter  after="FIRST" />                  |
  1. In simple words.
  • .addFilter() You can add only instance of spring defined filters or you can add sub class of those spring security defined filters. For example
    .addFilter(customAuthFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class) customAuthFilter should be instance of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter subclass or instance of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.

  • .addFilterAfter() and .addFilterBefore() Here filter can be any custom filter. However, the custom filter should be implementation of GenericFilterBean. In most cases, the implementation of OncePerRequestFilter will be used.

You can refer sequence of execution in spring security for detailed analysis.

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PraveenKumar Lalasangi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

PraveenKumar Lalasangi