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Why do toString() and this.toString() produce different results in Chrome's console?

Now this has no practical implications at all, but I am curious about this little quirk I stumbled upon.

Basically, in Chrome's developer console, this


returns [object Object], whereas this


returns [object DOMWindow].

As far as I know, this only happens from the console, as can be seen on this jsFiddle. Someone on ##javascript found this link explaining where the function comes from. However, it doesn't explain the discrepancy there is in the behavior when used within or outside the console.

So why do toString() and this.toString() produce different results in Chrome's console?

like image 377
Alex Turpin Avatar asked Jan 20 '12 16:01

Alex Turpin

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1 Answers

WebKit happened to use wrong context for global calls in the console.

(Chrome 14):

> this
> this.toString()
"[object DOMWindow]"
> toString()
"[object Object]"
> valueOf()

I think this has been fixed over here

like image 175
georg Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
