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Why do my assemblies need to be loaded in a specific order?




I am writing a simple plugin and stumbled upon contractType.IsAssignableFrom(pluginType) returning different results depending on the order of loading.

Calling IsAssignableFromon the Plugin returns True as expected.
But if I load the Contract assembly before loading the Plugin, IsAssignableFrom on the Plugin returns False.

I am running Win10 and dotnet4.7 but I doubt that has any relevancy.


public void SimplyLoadingPlugin_Succeeds()
    var plugin = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginPathFilename);
    var res = typeof(Contract).IsAssignableFrom(plugin.GetExportedTypes().Single());

    Assert.IsTrue(res); // Succeeds.

public void LoadingContractAndThenPlugin_Fails()
    var contract = Assembly.LoadFrom(ContractPathFilename);
    var plugin = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginPathFilename);
    var res = typeof(Contract).IsAssignableFrom(plugin.GetExportedTypes().Single());

    Assert.IsTrue(res); // Fails.

To make it harder to test:
If i run the LoadingContractAndThenPlugin_Fails test by itself is fails. But If i run the tests together it is dependent on order. Running SimplyLoadingPlugin_Succeeds first and LoadingContractAndThenPlugin_Fails last, makes both tests green but running them in the reverse order makes both fail.
So somehow the very loading of Contract before Plugin messes up something for me.
I can se nothing related in the GAC.

Below are all files needed. The paths in the probably have to be updated.
4 project with one file in each. 1 solution.

Contract.cs (a library project)

public abstract class Contract
    public abstract int Version { get; set; }

Plugin.cs (a library project)

public class Plugin : Contract
    public override int Version { get; set; }

Tests.cs (a test project)

public class Tests
    private const string PluginPath = @"C:\DATA\Projekt\LoadFromOrder\Plugin\bin\Debug";
    private string PluginPathFilename = Path.Combine(PluginPath, "Plugin.dll");
    private string ContractPathFilename = Path.Combine(PluginPath, "Contract.dll");

    public void SimplyLoadingPlugin_Succeeds()
        var plugin = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginPathFilename);
        var res = typeof(Contract).IsAssignableFrom(plugin.GetExportedTypes().Single());

        Assert.IsTrue(res); // Succeeds.

    public void LoadingContractAndThenPlugin_Fails()
        var contract = Assembly.LoadFrom(ContractPathFilename);
        var plugin = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginPathFilename);
        var res = typeof(Contract).IsAssignableFrom(plugin.GetExportedTypes().Single());

        Assert.IsTrue(res); // Fails.

    // BEGIN ---- Update. ----
    public void LoadingPluginFromTestProject_Succeeds()
        var contract = Assembly.LoadFrom(
        var plugin = Assembly.LoadFrom(PluginPathFilename);
        var res = typeof(Contract.Contract).IsAssignableFrom(plugin.GetExportedTypes().Single());

        Assert.IsTrue(res); // Succeeds.
    // END ---- Update. ----


Program.cs (a console project)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var tests = new Tests();
            System.Console.WriteLine("Press A for Success and B for Fail.");
            switch (System.Console.ReadKey(true).Key)
                case ConsoleKey.A:
                case ConsoleKey.B:
        catch (Exception exc)
            System.Console.WriteLine($"FAIL: {exc.Message}");
like image 274
LosManos Avatar asked Aug 09 '17 10:08


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1 Answers

By loading the Contract using Assembly.LoadFrom you are creating a reference ambiguity. That library is already loaded that is why we can do typeof(Contract) no need to load it again...

My recommendation: use reflection to determine what references you have and only load those that are not already there, here is a sample code snippet:

        var dllFiles = Directory.GetFiles(DIR, "*.DLL", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        var plugins = new HashSet<Assembly>();

        var references = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies();
        foreach (var dllPath in dllFiles)
            string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dllPath);
            if (!references.Any(x => x.Name == name) && !plugins.Any(x => x.GetName().Name == name))

On that sample we get every DLL for a given directory (subdirectories included) the DIR can be a relative path like ..\..\.. and only load those that are not already in the assembly references.

And here is the full solution with two plugin projects:

like image 104
Helder Sepulveda Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Helder Sepulveda