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Why do I need to explicitely give the type arguments when mapping to a Callable<T>?

When trying to answer a different question, I found that my code only compiles if I explicitly give the type arguments (Whatever the code calculates does not make sense, I know):

public Double calculateResult(int value) {
    return 0.0d;

private void init2() {
    List<Callable<Double>> list = IntStream.range(1, 99)
            .<Callable<Double>>mapToObj(value -> (() -> calculateResult(value)))

When removing the type arguments <Callable<Double>> from the mapToObj, it does not compile, and gives the error that it

cannot infer the type variable by itself

It neither can infer the arguments if I change it to use a Supplier<Double> or a DoubleSupplier.

Why can it not infer the type arguments?

Update, I am compiling it with Netbeans 8.0, have not checked it with the javac compiler yet.

like image 704
skiwi Avatar asked Mar 28 '14 13:03


1 Answers

This is my understanding what is going on.

The problem is that you expect the compiler to use expected assignment type, in this case List<Callable<Double>>, to infer the type arguments. However, the .mapToObj isn't the last statement in the chain and it doesn't return a List.

This code below works though, because here the compiler can match the result of the .mapToObj call to what you have declared as the return type, and therefore it can infer the type arguments for the stream.

Stream<Callable<Double>> temporaryVariable = IntStream.range(1, 99)
    .mapToObj(value -> (() -> calculateResult(value)));
List<Callable<Double>> list = temporaryVariable.collect(Collectors.toList());

Because it is not the last statement in the chain, if I were a compiler I wouldn't really like to go through all the possible values of Stream<?> (which essentially is the return type of .mapToObj) to find one call that would match the next call to return List<Callable<Double>>.

like image 147
Simon Forsberg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Simon Forsberg