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Why do I lose the context of this in Javascript?



I have this simple code :

var o = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    f1: function ()

var o2 = {
    a: 11,
    b: 22,
    f2: function (j)

But running this code :

o2.f2(o.f1) yields undefined. ( while im expecting "22" as a result)

Now, I know that the context has gone somewhere. and hence If I change the code in o2 to :

 f2: function (j)

It does work obviously.

But my question is :

  • In what stage did i lose the context ?

I don't understand : when j() is running , there is a b property in the o2 object.

What am I missing ?


like image 716
Royi Namir Avatar asked May 05 '13 06:05

Royi Namir

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How do you change the context of this in JavaScript?

You can't change what this refers to from inside the function. However, you can call a function in a specific context - so that this refers to a specific object - by using call or apply . Show activity on this post. Note "is immutable".

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You can use addEventListener to pass this to a JavaScript function.

What is this context in JavaScript?

What is context? Context is always the value of the this keyword which is a reference to the object that “owns” the currently executing code or the function where it's looked at. We know that window is a global object in the browser so if we type this in the console and it should return window object, which it does.

2 Answers

I found Crockford had an excellent description of the way this works. Functions in JavaScript can be invoked in 4 styles :

  1. The "function" style
  2. The "method" style
  3. The "Constructor" style
  4. The "call or apply" style.

I might be getting the exact names wrong there, but the spirit is the same. You should definitely get the book "JavaScript: The Good Parts" if you don't have it.

So anyway - on to your question. The key thing is that the value if "this" is dependant on which style you use.

// function invocation style, 
var f = function() { console.debug(this); }
f(); // "this" is bound to the global object.

// "method" invocation style
var obj = {
    f: function() { console.debug(this); }

obj.f(); // "this" is bound to "obj", the object on which the function was invoked

// so important bit is :

var f = obj.f;
f(); // "this" is global object
obj.f() // "this" is obj

In your example you are losing "this" because of the way you are invoking the function.

like image 133
Woody Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09


If you do it like as follows,

function will be called in o2 context

var o2 = {
    a: 11,
    b: 22,
    f2: function (j){
      this.temp = j;

also these will work too:

f2: function (j){

f2: function (j){

Otherwise you call it just like an ordinary function out of context.

j Is ripped out of its context and you did no tricky closures on it(which is not your intent) so for making "this" work in it you need a scope. The this scope in your question for j is window, which has no "b" in it therefore you get an "undefined".

like image 25
Volkan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09
