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Why do I keep getting a 403 forbidden with PayPal?

I integrated with PayPal using the HTML Forms method for accepting payments on my website. When a user selects PayPal as a payment option on checking out, I redirect them to the PayPal website using HTML Forms as described in the documentation. I do receive the payment to my PayPal account, however my on receiving the IPN message to my notify_url when I send the notify-validate command I get the error: 403 forbidden. Please assist. Everything is working as it should in sandbox but I start getting this error 403 forbidden.

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TnashC Avatar asked Sep 24 '14 09:09


1 Answers

Try passing a "User-Agent: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" HTTP header in your notify-validate request, where XXXXXX.. is any string > 5 characters

edit: newer documentation on this point

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Preston PHX Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Preston PHX