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Why do I get a Some instead of a String in Scala



Why do I get a [Some] Object instead of a [String] Object?
The Some object won't work as a String Parameter in a method call.

The config def returns a String so I expect the type to be String.
But when I type "Hello" Scala get's it correct.


    def config(s: String) = Play.current.configuration.getString(s).toString()


[info] application - Some(6LeDMdASAAAAAC4CFIDY-5M7NEZ_WnO0NO9CSdtj)
[info] application - Hello
like image 781
Farmor Avatar asked Apr 13 '12 22:04


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2 Answers

You are unnecessarily calling toString() on Option[String] (which Play.current.configuration.getString() returns), try this:

def config(s: String) = Play.current.configuration.getString(s).get

or maybe preferably:

Play.current.configuration.getString(s).getOrElse("some default")
like image 190
Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

getString returns an Option[String], so that it can return an empty value when there is nothing to return. When there is something to return, it returns Some(string) and you can get the inner string using the get() method.

like image 11
Tal Pressman Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Tal Pressman