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Why do browser APIs restrict cross-domain requests?

XMLHttpRequests require CORS to work cross-domain. Similarly for web fonts, WebGL textures, and a few other things. In general all new APIs seem to have this restriction.


It's so easy to circumvent: all it takes is a simple server-side proxy. In other words, server-side code isn't prohibited from doing cross-domain requests; why is client-side code? How does this give any security, to anyone?

And it's so inconsistent: I can't XMLHttpRequest, but I can <script src> or <link rel> or <img src> or <iframe>. What does restricting XHR etc. even accomplish?

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Domenic Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 04:02


People also ask

Does CORS only apply to browsers?

Unless the Postman desktop app emulates a browser it will be able to make requests to any URL. CORS and the same origin policy are needed because a browser does not implicitly trust the websites it visits to make requests to other websites.

Why is CORS important?

The CORS mechanism supports secure cross-origin requests and data transfers between browsers and servers. Modern browsers use CORS in APIs such as XMLHttpRequest or Fetch to mitigate the risks of cross-origin HTTP requests.

Is CORS a security feature?

CORS is a security mechanism that allows a web page from one domain or Origin to access a resource with a different domain (a cross-domain request). CORS is a relaxation of the same-origin policy implemented in modern browsers.

What is cross domain misconfiguration?

Why “Cross-Domain Misconfiguration” can be dangerous. For security reasons browsers by default don't allow different websites (having different domains) to send any requests between each other. However, there exist scenarios in which that behaviour is desirable.

2 Answers

If I visit a malicious website, I want to be sure that :

  1. It cannot read my personal data from other websites I use. Think attacker.com reading gmail.com
  2. It cannot perform actions on my behalf on other websites that I use. Think attacker.com transferring funds from my account on bank.com

Same Origin Policy solves the first problem. The second problem is called cross site request forgery, and cannot be solved with the cross-domain restrictions currently in place.

The same origin policy is in general consistent with the following rules -

  • Rule 1: Doesn't let you read anything from a different domain
  • Rule 2: Lets you write whatever you want to a different domain, but rule #1 will not allow you to read the response.
  • Rule 3: You can freely make cross-domain GET requests and POST requests, but you cannot control the HTTP headers

Lets see how the various things you have listed line up to the above rules :

  1. <img> tags let you make a HTTP request, but there is no way to read the contents of the image other than simply displaying it. For example, if I do this <img src="http://bank.com/get/latest/funds"/>, the request will go through (rule 2). But there is no way for the attacker to see my balance (rule 1).

  2. <script> tags work mostly like <img>. If you do something like <script src="http://bank.com/get/latest/funds">, the request will go through. The browser will also try to parse the response as JavaScript, and will fail.

  3. There is a well known abuse of <script> tags called JSONP, where you collude with the cross-domain server so that you can 'read' cross-domain. But without the explicit involvement of the cross-domain server, you cannot read the response via the <script> tag

  4. <link> for stylesheets work mostly like <script> tags, except the response is evaluated as CSS. In general, you cannot read the response - unless the response somehow happens to be well-formed CSS.

  5. <iframe> is essentially a new browser window. You cannot read the HTML of a cross-domain iframe. Incidentally, you can change the URL of a cross-domain iframe, but you cannot read the URL. Notice how it follows the two rules I mentioned above.

  6. XMLHttpRequest is the most versatile method to make HTTP requests. This is completely in the developers control; the browser does not do anything with the response. For example, in the case of <img>, <script> or <link>, the browser assumes a particular format and in general will validate it appropriately. But in XHR, there is no prescribed response format. So, browsers enforce the same origin policy and prevent you from reading the response unless the cross domain website explicitly allows you.

  7. Fonts via font-face are an anomaly. AFAIK, only Firefox requires the opt-in behavior; other browsers let you use fonts just like you would use images.

In short, the same origin policy is consistent. If you find a way to make a cross-domain request and read the response without explicit permission from the cross-domain website - you'll make headlines all over the world.

EDIT : Why can't I just get around all of this with a server-side proxy?

For gmail to show personalized data, it needs cookies from your browser. Some sites use HTTP basic authentication, in which the credentials are stored in the browser.

A server-side proxy cannot get access to either the cookies or the basic auth credentials. And so, even though it can make a request, the server will not return user specific data.

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Sripathi Krishnan Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Sripathi Krishnan

Consider this scenario...

  1. You go to my malicious website.
  2. My site makes an XHR to your banking website and requests the form for bank transfer.
  3. The XHR reads the token that prevents CSRF and POSTs the form alongside the security token and transfers a sum of money to my account.
  4. (I) Profit!!!

Without Same Origin Policy in existence, you could still POST that form, but you wouldn't be able to request the CSRF token that prevents CSRFs.

Server side code does not run on the client's computer.

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alex Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
