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Why Do Applications Need Installing? [closed]


I'm confused. Right now I write some small apps using C++ and Java, but none of them need to be installed. Why do "big apps" like browsers, media players, games etc. need to be installed?

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daGrevis Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 15:04


People also ask

Why do applications need to be installed?

Because they do things like: Write registry values for various dependencies. Copy data. Create directories.

Why do some apps require a restart?

To make their programs work, installers typically must make changes to critical system files. Because these files may be currently in use by other programs, the installer prompts you to close these other programs first or restart the computer so it can make the changes without affecting the computer's stability.

Does an application keep running inside an operating system until it is closed?

Applications for desktop or laptop computers are sometimes called desktop applications, while those for mobile devices are called mobile apps. When you open an application, it runs inside the operating system until you close it.

What is a possible reason why a program will not install?

Most of the time, this comes down to a Windows compatibility issue or a security tool interfering with the installation process. While we've focused on traditional desktop software here, it's possible that software from the Microsoft Store won't install sometimes, too.

2 Answers

There are several reasons:

  1. They hook into the system. When you install a browser, it will be started if you open a file which starts with "http://" or ends with ".html"

  2. People using apps are used to install them. If your app doesn't come with an installer, users are confused how to get it up and running. They don't understand what happens during installation, they just know that they always have to do it. So some applications (which don't need installers) come with a simple installer just to avoid confusion.

  3. A lot of complex applications can do things in various ways. You can change presets during the installation. A common example is which parts of the application to install. For a CAD system, you can install the whole thing or just a viewer for a PC in a meeting room.

  4. Many apps ask for a license key and/or online authentication to avoid piracy.

  5. Many apps come with DLLs. To make sure they work, they overwrite all DLLs in the Window's system directory (and possibly break all other apps but who cares ;-)

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Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Aaron Digulla

Typically, because they want to store state and information with the computer. For example, your application will not appear in the Add / Remove programs window. Many programs (which I personally dislike) like to store important information in the registry for lookups, which means you usually want an uninstaller (instead of just deleting the program) to do cleanup, or they might introduce extensions into explorer or other items. Simply deleting the program won't clear those additions, so you'd want an uninstaller.

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Tejs Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10
