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Why do -ansi and -std=c++11 conflict in g++?





Why does -ansi and -std=c++11 doesn't work together ? (ANSI reverts back to C++98 according to other answers) I am using g++-4.8.

Here is the ANSI ratification of C++11 :


This leaves me perplex. Thanks!

like image 870
Jean-Michaël Celerier Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 03:07

Jean-Michaël Celerier

1 Answers


In C mode, this is equivalent to -std=c89. In C++ mode, it is equivalent to -std=c++98.

The flag was added before there were multiple versions of the standard, and the flag still has the same meaning.

Why do you want to use both anyway? If you want -std=c++11 then use that, don't add another flag that means something else contradictory.

like image 83
Jonathan Wakely Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Jonathan Wakely