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Why do Amazon EMR clusters started with CLI not show up in the web console?

I am working with the AWS CLI to run some map reduce steps. If I use list-clusters I can see my cluster was started:

aws emr list-clusters
    "Clusters": [
        "Status": {
            "Timeline": {
                "CreationDateTime": 1418219740.791
            "State": "STARTING", 
            "StateChangeReason": {
                "Message": "Configuring cluster software"
        "Id": "j-141E0DHGZ1ZA8", 
        "Name": "Development Cluster"

A few minutes later I can see that my step has (unfortunately) failed:

"Status": {
            "Timeline": {
                "ReadyDateTime": 1418219967.64, 
                "CreationDateTime": 1418219740.791
            "State": "TERMINATING", 
            "StateChangeReason": {
                "Message": "Shut down as step failed", 
                "Code": "STEP_FAILURE"

However, the cluster (both while starting as when failed) don't show up on the amazon webconsole. As far as I know, I am only using one IAM user (with a separate key for the CLI console). What could a reason be for the cluster to not show up on the webconsole?

like image 623
Lotte Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 14:12


People also ask

How do you run commands on EMR cluster?

You can invoke both tools using the Amazon EMR management console or the AWS CLI. Located on the Amazon EMR AMI for your cluster. You can use command-runner. jar to run commands on your cluster.

How do I check my EMR cluster status?

View cluster status using the AWS CLI You can use the describe-cluster command to view cluster-level details including status, hardware and software configuration, VPC settings, bootstrap actions, instance groups, and so on. For more information about cluster states, see Understanding the cluster lifecycle.

1 Answers

Two things to check :

  1. Are you looking in the correct region? Maybe your CLI is starting the cluster in another region than the one you're looking at in the web console.

  2. If you are using different users between web console and CLI, are you using the ---visible-to-all-users option in the CLI ? See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/emr/create-cluster.html for more details

like image 113
Sébastien Stormacq Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

Sébastien Stormacq