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Why do almost all OO languages compile to bytecode?

Of the object-oriented languages I know, pretty much all but C++ and Objective-C compile to bytecode running on some sort of virtual machine. Why have so many different languages settled on compiling to bytecode, as opposed to machine code? Is it possible in princible to have a high-level memory-managed OOP language that compiled to machine code?

Edit: I'm aware that multiplatform support is often advanced as an advantage of this approach. However, it's quite possible to compile natively on multiple platforms, without making a new compiler per platform. One can, per example, emit C code and then compile that with GCC.

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keiter Avatar asked Oct 17 '10 21:10


People also ask

What languages compile into bytecode?

In Java, there are multiple languages that compile to Java bytecode and can run on the JVM -- Clojure, Groovy, and Scala being the main ones I can remember off the top of my head. However, Python also turns into bytecode (.

What is an advantage of compiling into bytecode instead of object code?

Portability and platform independence are probably the most notable advantages of bytecode over native code.

Why do some languages need a compiler?

Compiled languages are converted directly into machine code that the processor can execute. As a result, they tend to be faster and more efficient to execute than interpreted languages.

Why don t programs in machine language have to be compiled or interpreted?

Because an interpreter performs the conversion from source to machine language during the running of the program, interpreted languages usually result in programs that execute more slowly than compiled programs.

2 Answers

There's no reason in fact, this is a kind of coincidence. OOP now is the leading concept in "big" programming, and so virtual machines are.

Also note, that there are 2 distinct parts of traditional virtual machines - garbage collector and bytecode interpreter/JIT-compiler, and these parts can exist separately. For example, Common Lisp implementation called SBCL compiles program to a native code, but at runtime heavily uses garbage collection.

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ffriend Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11


This is done to allow a VM or JIT compiler the chance to compile the code on demand optimally for the architecture on which the code is executed. Also, it allows for cross-platform bytecode to be created once and then executed on multiple hardware architectures. This allows for hardware specific optimizations to be placed into the compiled code.

Since byte code is not limited to a microarchitecture, it can be smaller than machine code. Complex instructions can be represented vs. the much more primitive instructions available in modern day CPUs, since the constraints in the design of CPU instructions are very different from the constraints in designing a bytecode architecture.

Then there's the issue of security. The bytecode can be verified and analyzed prior to execution (i.e., no buffer overflows, variables of a certain type being accessed as something they are not), etc...

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Michael Goldshteyn Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11

Michael Goldshteyn