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Why difference in types of arguments in overridden method (one is primitive and other is wrapper) is not allowed? [duplicate]

I have started with JAVA programming recently and have one question to ask. Let's say I have one SuperClass and one SubClass which extends SuperClass and try to Override a method defined in SuperClass as follows:

  public class SuperClass{
    public void method1(int val){
      System.out.println("This is method in SuperClass.Val is:" + val);

I try to extend the SuperClass in my SubClass and override the method with only one exception, instead of type int declared in method1, I use the type for the argument as Integer, as follows:

  public class SubClass extends SuperClass{
    public void method1(Integer val){     ///compiler gives an error


This declaration of SubClass method is not allowed by the compiler(I am using eclipse IDE). Why is this so? Integer is essentially wrapper of int then why such a declaration is prohibited?


like image 707
theimpatientcoder Avatar asked Dec 02 '15 13:12


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1 Answers

The formal explanation, as you probably already understand, is that the two functions have different signatures, (as Andrew Tobilko has already pointed out,) so one may not override the other.

So, I presume that by asking this question, what you really mean to ask is "why is this so", or "why can't the compiler figure things out so as to allow me to do this".

So, the practical explanation is as follows:

This is because you may have some method somewhere, (of some unrelated class even) which accepts a SuperClass as a parameter, and attempts to invoke its method1() like this:

public void someMethod( SuperClass s )
    s.method1( 7 );

When the compiler finds this, it will pass 7 as a parameter to method1(), it will not pass a wrapped 7. However, s may not really be an instance of SuperClass, it may be an instance of SubClass, like this:

/* some code somewhere */
someMethod( new SubClass() );

This is valid because there is a principle in OOP known as the Liskov Substitution Principle which says that

if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may substitute objects of type T) without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.).

This is the same principle which allows you to assign a new ArrayList<String>() to a variable of type List<String>, and without it, nothing would work in OOP.

So, the compiler would have to pass a plain primitive 7, but the receiving method of SubClass would be expecting a wrapped 7, and that would not work. So, the language stipulates that an implicit conversion of this kind is invalid, to ensure that nonsensical situations of this kind may not arise.


You might ask, "why would it not work?" The answer is that primitives in java correspond to machine data types of the underlying hardware, while wrapped primitives are objects. So, on the machine stack, a 7 would be represented by a machine word with the value of 7, while a wrapped 7 would be represented by something like 0x46d7c8fe, which would be a pointer to an object which contains the wrapped 7.

like image 104
Mike Nakis Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Mike Nakis