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Why create "Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals", since that implies you know there's a value?

Why would you create a "Implicitly Unwrapped Optional" vs creating just a regular variable or constant? If you know that it can be successfully unwrapped then why create an optional in the first place? For example, why is this:

let someString: String! = "this is the string" 

going to be more useful than:

let someString: String = "this is the string" 

If ”optionals indicate that a constant or variable is allowed to have 'no value'”, but “sometimes it is clear from a program’s structure that an optional will always have a value after that value is first set”, what is the point of making it an optional in the first place? If you know an optional is always going to have a value, doesn't that make it not optional?

like image 938
Johnston Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 04:06


People also ask

Why use implicitly unwrapped optionals?

Implicitly unwrapped optionals are a compromise between safety and convenience. Whenever you use an implicitly unwrapped optional instead of an optional, you trade safety for convenience. If safety is more important to you, then don't use implicitly unwrapped optionals.

What is the difference between unwrapping an optional with with and with implicit unwrapping?

The only difference between them is that implicitly unwrapped optionals are a promise to the swift compiler that it's value will NOT be nil when accessed at runtime.

Which of the following is the declaration of a implicitly unwrapped optional?

Which of the following is the declaration of an implicitly unwrapped optional string? var name: String! An optional variable in Swift is set to a valueless state by assigning which of the following special values? A variable declared as an optional type can be set to nil.

What will happen if you try to unwrap an optional that contains nil like so?

Unwrap an optional type with the nil coalescing operator If a nil value is found when an optional value is unwrapped, an additional default value is supplied which will be used instead. You can also write default values in terms of objects.

1 Answers

Before I can describe the use cases for Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals, you should already understand what Optionals and Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals are in Swift. If you do not, I recommend you first read my article on optionals

When To Use An Implicitly Unwrapped Optional

There are two main reasons that one would create an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional. All have to do with defining a variable that will never be accessed when nil because otherwise, the Swift compiler will always force you to explicitly unwrap an Optional.

1. A Constant That Cannot Be Defined During Initialization

Every member constant must have a value by the time initialization is complete. Sometimes, a constant cannot be initialized with its correct value during initialization, but it can still be guaranteed to have a value before being accessed.

Using an Optional variable gets around this issue because an Optional is automatically initialized with nil and the value it will eventually contain will still be immutable. However, it can be a pain to be constantly unwrapping a variable that you know for sure is not nil. Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals achieve the same benefits as an Optional with the added benefit that one does not have to explicitly unwrap it everywhere.

A great example of this is when a member variable cannot be initialized in a UIView subclass until the view is loaded:

class MyView: UIView {     @IBOutlet var button: UIButton!     var buttonOriginalWidth: CGFloat!      override func awakeFromNib() {         self.buttonOriginalWidth = self.button.frame.size.width     } } 

Here, you cannot calculate the original width of the button until the view loads, but you know that awakeFromNib will be called before any other method on the view (other than initialization). Instead of forcing the value to be explicitly unwrapped pointlessly all over your class, you can declare it as an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional.

2. When Your App Cannot Recover From a Variable Being nil

This should be extremely rare, but if your app can not continue to run if a variable is nil when accessed, it would be a waste of time to bother testing it for nil. Normally if you have a condition that must absolutely be true for your app to continue running, you would use an assert. An Implicitly Unwrapped Optional has an assert for nil built right into it. Even then, it is often good to unwrap the optional and use a more descriptive assert if it is nil.

When Not To Use An Implicitly Unwrapped Optional

1. Lazily Calculated Member Variables

Sometimes you have a member variable that should never be nil, but it cannot be set to the correct value during initialization. One solution is to use an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional, but a better way is to use a lazy variable:

class FileSystemItem { }  class Directory : FileSystemItem {     lazy var contents : [FileSystemItem] = {         var loadedContents = [FileSystemItem]()         // load contents and append to loadedContents         return loadedContents     }() } 

Now, the member variable contents is not initialized until the first time it is accessed. This gives the class a chance to get into the correct state before calculating the initial value.

Note: This may seem to contradict #1 from above. However, there is an important distinction to be made. The buttonOriginalWidth above must be set during viewDidLoad to prevent anyone changing the buttons width before the property is accessed.

2. Everywhere Else

For the most part, Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals should be avoided because if used mistakenly, your entire app will crash when it is accessed while nil. If you are ever not sure about whether a variable can be nil, always default to using a normal Optional. Unwrapping a variable that is never nil certainly doesn't hurt very much.

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drewag Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
